Yahara CLEAN Compact members promote a culture of sustainability in recognition of how our natural environment contributes to the region’s economic vitality, recreational offerings, and local quality of life.
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Resilience Spotlight: Creating climate-ready communities in Wisconsin
University and community experts are coming together to make Madison a climate-ready community.
In Case You Missed It: Midy Aponte, Jordahl Public Lands Lecture
In our In Case You Missed It series (also known as ICYMI), student interns from the Office of Sustainability offer reflective reports on sustainability-related events and lectures at UW–Madison. The following entry is by Hannah …
Celebrating Earth Week, From a Distance
In the months leading up to the 50th anniversary of Earth Day (April 22, 2020), the planet saw the arrival of COVID-19, which has since put profound pressure on public health, the global economy, and …
Earth Week 2020 Goes Virtual
In recent months, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed everyday life across the globe—and, of course, on the UW-Madison campus. Alongside the new norms of social distancing, face masks, and supply shortages, countless events have been …
UW-Madison and the Office of Sustainability Reach for the STARS
Since early 2019, the Office of Sustainability (OS) has worked to identify, compile, and review data for UW-Madison’s first Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) report. STARS, which is administered by the Association for …
Earth Week 2019 Highlights Campus Partnerships and Opportunities
What does environmental injustice mean, and how does it manifest in Madison? How does one create an activist campaign to address climate change? Let’s say you tear your favorite jeans—how do you stitch them up …
In Case You Missed It: Two Talks on Lakes, Rivers, and Sustainability
In our In Case You Missed It series (also known as ICYMI), student interns from the Office of Sustainability offer reflective reports on sustainability-related events and lectures at UW–Madison. The following entry is by Hannah …
Graduate Student Achieves Waste Sustainability By Way of Good Relationships
Emily Knipp spent the summer interning for the St. Paul Saints, a minor league baseball team that plays at the Greenest Ballpark in America—CHS Field in St. Paul, Minnesota. Her internship marked the final semester …
Instructors Promote Inclusive Sustainability Education at National Conference
For the past six years, UW-Madison doctoral students Tom Bryan and Tim Lindstrom have designed hands-on activities that use the campus as a “living laboratory” for sustainability. Bryan brings a rich research background in food …