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Subject Name | Cataloge # | Course ID | Course Title | Course Description | Credits | General Education |
AFRICAN CULTURAL STUDIES (AFRICAN) | 444 | 026239 | Technology and Development in Africa and Beyond | Surveys the past 20 years of digital technology and communications culture on the African continent, cross-referenced with discourse on technology experiences in other parts of the developing world, through the framework of development studies. Readings include case studies of micro-tech practices as well as political and social use of new media, and government and NGO-led tech interventions. Information Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) is a key area of focus. Cross-discipline areas include communications and media studies, African, Latin American and International area studies, as well as the social anthropology of technology and science, and design. Think critically about technology use in the context of different tech cultures from around the world. Apply this perspective towards new media solutions to social problems. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 215 | 000329 | Introduction to Agricultural and Applied Economics | Introduction to economic ways of thinking about a wide range of problems and issues. Topics include consumption, production, prices, markets, finance, trade, pollution, growth, farms, taxes, and development. | 4 | Quantitative Reasoning B |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 244 | 019534 | The Environment and the Global Economy | The "economic way of thinking" about global and regional environmental issues. Topics include climate change, biodiversity preservation, ocean fisheries, environmental impacts of international trade, poverty and the environment, and sustainability. | 4 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 246 | 023941 | Climate Change Economics and Policy | Climate change and the role of applied economics in related policy analysis and research. Economics of mitigation, adaptation and geo-engineering; integrated assessment; environmental implications of energy use; climate change impacts on land use. Use of economic analysis and modeling for public policy design. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 323 | 000337 | Cooperatives and Alternative Forms of Enterprise Ownership | Cooperatives, credit unions, and other alternative forms of enterprise are unique businesses in which users (rather than investors) are the owners. Topics will include why these models emerge, who they serve, how they differ from other forms of enterprise, and the ways in which they can be used to address social, economic, and environmental challenges. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 343 | 007290 | Environmental Economics | Microeconomic principles underlying the use of natural resources such as air, water, forests, fisheries, minerals and energy. These principles are applied in the examination of pollution control, preservation vs. development, deforestation, and other environmental issues. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 350 | 014048 | World Hunger and Malnutrition | Hunger and poverty in developing countries and the United States. Topics include: nutrition and health, population, food production and availability, and income distribution and employment. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 367 | 026039 | Introduction to Organic Agriculture: Production, Markets, and Policy | Provides an in-depth understanding of the history of organic agriculture, its production, processing, marketing, and social dimensions, and its impact on environmental, community, and human health. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 371 | 025341 | Energy, Resources and Economics | Use microeconomic theory to analyze energy markets. Discuss the economics of oil, gas, and electricity and learn about applications to contemporary issues and policy questions. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 374 | 000346 | The Growth and Development of Nations in the Global Economy | This course explores the roles of markets, states, and civil institutions, using economic theory, computer simulations, and historical experience to better understand the forces that shape the wealth and well-being of nations and people around the world. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 477 | 000367 | Agricultural and Economic Development in Africa | Composition, organization, and techniques of agricultural production; economic change and development of agriculture, economic policies, special problems of developing African agriculture. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 531 | 000359 | Natural Resource Economics | Economic concepts and tools relating to management and use of natural resources, including pricing principles, cost-benefit analysis, equity, externalities, economic rent, renewable and nonrenewable resources, and resource policy issues. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 641 | 023933 | Foundations of Agricultural Economics | Overview of the economic performance of agriculture in feeding the growing world population. Examines contemporary economic issues in the food sector, along with research methods used in their analysis. Covers production analysis, risk and uncertainty, food demand, market structure, policy and welfare analysis. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 642 | 023934 | Foundations of Development Economics | An overview of development economics, covering both basic theory and empirical applications. Topics include economic growth, trade, measurement of poverty and inequality, human capital, agricultural household models, technology adoption, migration, credit, savings, insurance, infrastructure, and the environment. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 643 | 023932 | Foundations of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics | Survey of historical topics and contemporary research questions in environmental and resource economics. Focus areas include foundational models of human/environment interaction, definition and evaluation of the suite of environmental policy instruments, measuring environmental costs and benefits, and examining natural resource use. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 652 | 007708 | Decision Methods for Natural Resource Managers | Applications of quantitative methods, including optimization and simulation, to the management of natural resources, especially forests. | 3-4 | Quantitative Reasoning B |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 671 | 007372 | Energy Economics | The method, application, and limitations of traditional economic approaches to the study of energy problems. Topics include microeconomic foundations of energy demand and supply; optimal pricing and allocation of energy resources; energy market structure, conduct, and performance; macro linkages of energy and the economy; and the economics of regulatory and other public policy approaches to the social control of energy. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 730 | 022990 | Frontiers in Development Economics 1 | Theory and empirical evidence on growth and development in low-income countries. Topics may include: measurement of poverty and inequality, risk and insurance, social networks, technology adoption, education, corruption, institutions, and behavioral economics. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 731 | 000397 | Frontiers in Development Economics 2 | Theory and evidence on growth and development in emerging economies, with primary focus on globalization, trade, labor markets and human capital. We use open-economy general equilibrium models to examine welfare implications of global shocks and domestic economic policies. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 746 | 023930 | Frontiers in Agricultural Economics 1 | Economics of agricultural technology innovation and adoption, properties and measurement of production and productivity, and impact evaluation. Empirical methods, including surveys, experiments, randomized trials, and instrumental variable methods of testing applied microeconomic models. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 747 | 000407 | Frontiers in Agricultural Economics 2 | Organization, design, and performance of food and agricultural markets. Industrial organization; firm boundaries, contracting, and collective action; spatial, temporal, and quality dimensions of market design. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 760 | 000408 | Frontiers in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics 1 | Economic tools and principles pertaining to the optimal management of natural resources. Theoretical models characterize efficient resource use and predict management decisions under different institutional settings. Empirical applications relate to public and private management of forests, fish, wildlife, minerals, and energy resources. Examples highlight the importance of discount rates, property rights, and government policies. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 762 | 000410 | Frontiers in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics 2 | The role of markets and government in the allocation of environmental goods and services. Topics include public goods, externalities and market failure; policy instruments for dealing with environmental quality problems such as air pollution; and distributional impacts of environmental regulations. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 772 | 024261 | Applied Econometrics of Resource and Energy Demand | The estimation of the economic models of resource and energy demand, including evaluation of energy and resource programs, estimating demand systems in the study of dynamic pricing models, estimating discrete choice models, forecasting resource and energy demand from econometric models, and topics in the application of big-data analytics in resource and energy demand analysis. | 4 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 773 | 024262 | Seminar in Resource and Energy Demand Analysis | Current issues in resource and demand analysis, with presentations by academic researchers and industry professionals, to introduce students to current issues in resource and demand analysis, and to develop their critical thinking about addressing these issues. | 1-2 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 774 | 024289 | Practicum in Resource and Energy Demand Analysis I | The first in a 2-course sequence that comprises the capstone course in Resource and Energy Demand Analysis, in which students synthesize their training in a simulated "real world" analysis. The course is designed to reflect the full range of professional responsibilities of a resource/energy demand analyst, from data retrieval/cleaning to analysis to reporting. | 1 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 776 | 024328 | Practicum in Resource and Energy Demand Analysis II | The second in a 2-course sequence that comprises the capstone course in Resource and Energy Demand Analysis, in which students synthesize their training in a simulated "real world" analysis. The courses is designed to reflect the full range of professional responsibilities of a resource/energy demand analyst, from data retrieval/cleaning, to analysis, to reporting. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECON (A A E) | 777 | 024796 | Survey and Sample Design in Applied Economics | Teaches generation and use of survey data. Topics include identification of target population, random, stratified, & cluster sampling, power analysis, survey collection & implementation, retrospective and prospective surveys of respondent choice, experimental choice in survey design, and econometric modeling of respondent choices. | 2 | Not General Education |
AGROECOLOGY (AGROECOL) | 103 | 024799 | Agroecology: An Introduction to the Ecology of Food and Agriculture | Agroecology has blossomed across the world in recent decades as not only a science, but also a practice, and a movement. Employ the multiple disciplines and perspectives that Agroecology affords to analyze our agricultural and food systems wihin a broader context of dynamic social and ecological relationships. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGROECOLOGY (AGROECOL) | 371 | 024339 | Managed Grazing Field Study | For those interested in developing a comprehensive understanding of the principles, practices, and conservation potential of managed grazing systems, and how these farming systems may contribute to the sustainability and diverse tapestry of Wisconsin's working landscape. Visit managed grazing systems of successful grazing-based farmers (graziers) across southern/central counties in Wisconsin, and/or research sites at UW's Arlington and/or Lancaster Research Stations and/or the Discovery Farms Program. An opportunity to discuss at length with farm managers and researchers the practices in place at each farm and research site. Includes introduction to CALS/UWEX pasture forage/nutrient management planning and budgeting software. | 1-2 | Not General Education |
AGROECOLOGY (AGROECOL) | 701 | 022857 | The Farm as Socio-Environmental Endeavor | Farms may be analyzed as intentional entities shaped by the contexts in which they must operate. This course explores how these biophysical and social contexts both exert constraints and provide opportunities, leading to the diversity of farms observed. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGROECOLOGY (AGROECOL) | 702 | 022858 | The Multifunctionality of Agriculture | Agroecology systems provide a variety of social, economic, and ecological functions to society, each with a different network of stakeholders. This course explores methods of evaluating these diverse functions and perspectives, with a special focus on participatory approaches. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGROECOLOGY (AGROECOL) | 720 | 022860 | Agroecology Field Study | Field study of farms, processing, marketing, distribution, and policy-making in the food system. Courses will be several days of visits, discussions with the operators, and student-faculty discussion sections. Presentations or written reports may be required. | 1-3 | Not General Education |
AGROECOLOGY (AGROECOL) | 724 | 023598 | Agroecosystems and Global Change | Impacts of global change drivers (climate change, atmospheric chemistry, bioenergy, urbanization, policy) on agroecosystems and their associated goods and services; environmental impacts of agricultural land use and feedbacks to climate; modeling approaches; critical review of current scientific literature. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 103 | 024799 | Agroecology: An Introduction to the Ecology of Food and Agriculture | Agroecology has blossomed across the world in recent decades as not only a science, but also a practice, and a movement. Employ the multiple disciplines and perspectives that Agroecology affords to analyze our agricultural and food systems wihin a broader context of dynamic social and ecological relationships. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 203 | 023580 | Introduction to Global Health | Introduces students to global health concepts through multidisciplinary speakers dedicated to improving health through their unique training. It targets students with an interest in public health and those who wish to learn how their field impacts their global issues. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 300 | 000659 | Cropping Systems | Agronomic cropping systems of the Midwest: environmental impacts, productivity, and profitability. Cropping system diversification and sustainable agriculture. An agroecological approach, the application of ecological concepts and principles for the improvement of cropping systems is emphasized. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 302 | 000661 | Forage Management and Utilization | Establishment, management, harvesting and utilization of forage crops for use as hay, pasture and silage. Emphasis on cool season perennial grasses and legumes. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 326 | 017799 | Plant Nutrition Management | Functions, requirements and uptake of essential plant nutrients; chemical and microbial processes affecting nutrient availability; diagnosis of plant and soil nutrient status; fertilizers and efficient fertilizer use in different tillage systems. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 338 | 000675 | Plant Breeding and Biotechnology | Principles of transferring plant genes by sexual, somatic, and molecular methods and the application of gene transfer in plant breeding and genetic engineering to improve crop plants. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 350 | 014048 | World Hunger and Malnutrition | Hunger and poverty in developing countries and the United States. Topics include: nutrition and health, population, food production and availability, and income distribution and employment. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 354 | 024107 | Diagnosing and Monitoring Pest and Nutrient Status of Field Crops | Provides students with information necessary to diagnosis and monitor corn, soybean, alfalfa and wheat for pests (insects, weeds, diseases) and nutrient deficiency symptoms including perspectives from Agronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Pathology and Soil Science. Proper soil and pest sampling information will be provided as will proper cropstaging techniques which are essential for pest and nutrient management. | 1 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 360 | 024689 | Genetically Modified Crops: Science, Regulation & Controversy | Explores how and why genetically modified (GM) crops are created and their regulation at the federal and state level. Through case studies, students will learn about the impacts of GM crops and critically evaluate arguments both for and against their use. Readings and discussion introduce students to the complex economic, cultural, and political issues surrounding GM crops. | 2 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 367 | 026039 | Introduction to Organic Agriculture: Production, Markets, and Policy | Provides an in-depth understanding of the history of organic agriculture, its production, processing, marketing, and social dimensions, and its impact on environmental, community, and human health. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 370 | 023138 | Grassland Ecology | Understand factors driving global, continental, regional, and local distribution of grasslands. Discuss how management affects provision of grassland ecosystem goods and services. Compare and contrast plant community and ecosystem dynamics in native prairie and intensively managed pastures. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 371 | 024339 | Managed Grazing Field Study | For those interested in developing a comprehensive understanding of the principles, practices, and conservation potential of managed grazing systems, and how these farming systems may contribute to the sustainability and diverse tapestry of Wisconsin's working landscape. Visit managed grazing systems of successful grazing-based farmers (graziers) across southern/central counties in Wisconsin, and/or research sites at UW's Arlington and/or Lancaster Research Stations and/or the Discovery Farms Program. An opportunity to discuss at length with farm managers and researchers the practices in place at each farm and research site. Includes introduction to CALS/UWEX pasture forage/nutrient management planning and budgeting software. | 1-2 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 375 | 000683 | Special Topics | Special topics on issues relevant to Agronomy. | 1-4 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 376 | 024628 | Tropical Horticultural Systems | Highlight the connections between tropical plants and society through a combination of readings, writing assignments, lectures, and collaborative work. Discussions include multidisciplinary reflections on the biology of tropical plants, as well as an overview of different production systems and some of the social and environmental problems associated with the utilization of plants in the context of local and global markets. Provides the opportunity to demonstrate comparative skills with respect to local and international challenges posed by the topics we address in class. By the end of this course, the student will be able to make connections between horticulture and conservation, food security, nutrition, and global health. | 1 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 377 | 000684 | Global Food Production and Health | Crops, food, and cropping systems from different parts of the world and their impact on global sustainability and health. Introduction to crop biology, environmental requirements, and agronomic production practices of major food crops. Environmental, socioeconomic, and health impacts of farming systems and how to assess their sustainability. For those with broad interests in global issues, agroecology, food, environment, health, and agriculture. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 471 | 024980 | Food Production Systems and Sustainability | Delves into aspects of natural sciences (biology and agricultural sciences) and social sciences underpinning the assessment of food production systems as related to a variety of outcomes including but not restricted to human and environmental health, air and water quality, greenhouse gases emission, land use, economic opportunity, social justice, as well as mitigation and adaptation to climate change, locally, regionally, domestically, across continents, and globally. | 3 | Not General Education |
AGRONOMY (AGRONOMY) | 724 | 023598 | Agroecosystems and Global Change | Impacts of global change drivers (climate change, atmospheric chemistry, bioenergy, urbanization, policy) on agroecosystems and their associated goods and services; environmental impacts of agricultural land use and feedbacks to climate; modeling approaches; critical review of current scientific literature. | 3 | Not General Education |
AMERICAN INDIAN STUDIES (AMER IND) | 306 | 025008 | Indigenous Peoples and the Environment | Indigenous peoples often have very close relationships to ancestral homelands, species and natural resources. However, definitions of "indigenous" can be controversial and highly politicized. Diverse outlooks on identities, worldviews and environmental governance clarify the complex meanings of indigeneity in the US. Highlights American Indian perspectives, conservation practices, and policy environments through consideration of US and international case studies. American Indian experiences shed light on pressing issues of resource sustainability and sovereignty, and demonstrate linkages to global Indigenous environmental issues and strategies. | 3 | Ethnic Studies |
AMERICAN INDIAN STUDIES (AMER IND) | 345 | 025025 | Managing Nature in Native North America | Surveys the concepts, practices, and issues associated with natural resource management in American Indian communities. | 3 | Ethnic Studies |
AMERICAN INDIAN STUDIES (AMER IND) | 354 | 000886 | Archaeology of Wisconsin | Introduction to the archaeological evidence for the diverse Native American cultures of Wisconsin over the past 12,000 years. | 3 | Ethnic Studies |
AMERICAN INDIAN STUDIES (AMER IND) | 444 | 021989 | Native American Environmental Issues and the Media | Explores public understanding and media coverage of Native American environmental issues including treaty rights, air and water quality, land-into-trust, and sacred sites. Analysis of organizational and structural constraints of media coverage relating to issues of sovereignty and intergovernmental relationships. | 3 | Ethnic Studies |
ANIMAL SCIENCES (AN SCI) | 472 | 024641 | Animal Agriculture and Global Sustainable Development | Examines issues related to global agriculture and healthy sustainable development. Using a regional approach and focusing on crops and livestock case studies, students will learn the interdependence between US agriculture and agriculture in emerging economies. Some topics covered include population and food, immigration, the environment; crop and livestock agriculture; global trade; sustainability; food security, the role of women in agriculture, and the role of dairy products in a healthy diet. | 1 | Not General Education |
ANIMAL SCIENCES (AN SCI) | 473 | 024646 | International Field Study in Animal Agriculture and Sustainable Development | Examines issues related to global agriculture and healthy sustainable development. Using a regional approach and focusing on crops and livestock case studies, students will learn the interdependence between US agriculture and agriculture in emerging economies. Some topics covered include population and food, immigration, the environment; crop and livestock agriculture; global trade; sustainability; and the role of women in agriculture and the role of dairy products in a healthy diet. | 2 | Not General Education |
ANTHROPOLOGY (ANTHRO) | 212 | 000808 | Principles of Archaeology | Introduction to the methods, historical development, and scientific principles of archaeology. Discover how archaeologists generate and interpret information about the human past. Introduces scientific inquiry and provides a foundation for pursuing advanced archaeological courses and field research. | 3 | Not General Education |
ANTHROPOLOGY (ANTHRO) | 354 | 000886 | Archaeology of Wisconsin | Introduction to the archaeological evidence for the diverse Native American cultures of Wisconsin over the past 12,000 years. | 3 | Ethnic Studies |
ANTHROPOLOGY (ANTHRO) | 458 | 000948 | Primate Behavioral Ecology | Primate behavior examined from an evolutionary and ecological perspective, focusing on adaptations to the social and nonsocial environment. Topics include: nepotism, reciprocity, competition, cooperation, sex differences, the ecological role of primates in their communities, cognition, and conservation. Considers the major threats to primates today, and how behavioral adaptations and anthropogenic variables interact to affect the future survival of primates at local, regional, and global scales. | 3 | Not General Education |
ANTHROPOLOGY (ANTHRO) | 477 | 007326 | Anthropology, Environment, and Development | Identifies and examines cultural and environmental factors which should be taken into account in planning effective development. Case studies of development programs in less developed countries. Possible contributions of anthropologists and environmental scientists in planning, implementing, and evaluating development programs. | 3 | Not General Education |
ANTHROPOLOGY (ANTHRO) | 668 | 022604 | Primate Conservation | Evaluates the conservation status of non-human primates, and considers why different species are vulnerable to different kinds of threats. The ways in which regional and global conservation policies are developed and implemented will also be discussed. | 3 | Not General Education |
ART DEPARTMENT (ART) | 334 | 001124 | Wood Working | Exploration of wood as a medium for constructing creative and functional three-dimensional forms. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ART DEPARTMENT (ART) | 534 | 001191 | Advanced Wood Working | Development of advanced concepts and techniques in wood-based functional and/or fine art forms. | 4 | Not General Education |
ATMOSPHERIC & OCEANIC SCIENCES (ATM OCN) | 102 | 024043 | Climate and Climate Change | Describes the basic climate principles governing the climate system. It describes the climate and climate variability at present, climate evolution in the past, and the projected climate change into the future. The scientific principles underlying the natural and anthropogenic greenhouse effect and climate model forecasts are elucidated. | 3 | Not General Education |
ATMOSPHERIC & OCEANIC SCIENCES (ATM OCN) | 132 | 017782 | Earth's Water: Natural Science and Human Use | Water is central to the functioning of planet Earth. As humans increase their impact on Earth's systems and cohabitants, our understanding of the multiple roles of water becomes critical to finding sustainable strategies for human and ecosystem health. Explores the science of Earth's hydrosphere, with constant attention to human uses and impacts. | 3 | Not General Education |
ATMOSPHERIC & OCEANIC SCIENCES (ATM OCN) | 171 | 012729 | Global Change: Atmospheric Issues and Problems | Atmospheric problems of global significance. Greenhouse warming, ozone layer, acid rain, climate change. Study based on elementary principles of atmospheric science. Systems approach applied to changing atmospheric composition. Interactions among geochemical cycles, anthropogenic inputs and other parts of the environment. | 2-3 | Not General Education |
ATMOSPHERIC & OCEANIC SCIENCES (ATM OCN) | 332 | 023108 | Global Warming: Science and Impacts | Offers a fundamental understanding of how and why global warming is happening and what to expect in the future. Investigate and discuss the evidence for change, the science that explains these observations, predicted impacts on humans and ecosystems, and the societal debate over proposed solutions. | 3 | Not General Education |
ATMOSPHERIC & OCEANIC SCIENCES (ATM OCN) | 355 | 025331 | Introduction to Air Quality | Links chemistry and meteorology to engineering, law, policy, and public health. Presents key ideas in air quality, with focus on reactive pollutants in the outdoor environment, especially gas and particle phase chemicals that react with human tissue to cause sickness and death. Discusses environmental impacts of these pollutants and regulatory approaches for their control in the U.S. and around the world. Indoor air quality will be included. Non-reactive pollutants, especially carbon dioxide, will be compared and contrasted with reactive air pollutants. | 3 | Not General Education |
ATMOSPHERIC & OCEANIC SCIENCES (ATM OCN) | 520 | 012773 | Bioclimatology | How climate systems and biological organisms operate and interact at the global scale and the implications of this for climate change, ecosystem ecology and human land use. | 3 | Not General Education |
BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (BSE) | 367 | 022776 | Renewable Energy Systems | Learn about the state-of-the-art in renewable energy applications including biomass for heat, electric power and liquid fuels as well as geo-energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydro power. Practice engineering calculations of power and energy availability of renewable energy sources and learn about requirements for integrating renewable energy sources into production, distribution and end-use systems. | 3 | Not General Education |
BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (BSE) | 372 | 020058 | On-Site Waste Water Treatment and Dispersal | On-site treatment and dispersal of waste water from homes, commercial sources and small communities. Sources, pretreatment units, nutrient removal units, constructed wetlands, surface and soil dispersal systems, recycle and reuse systems, regulations, alternative collection systems. | 2 | Not General Education |
BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (BSE) | 460 | 023087 | Biorefining: Energy and Products from Renewable Resources | Concepts, processes, status quo and future direction of biorefining for production of energy (fuels), chemicals and materials from biomass, with emphases on chemical, biological and engineering aspects of the biorefining. | 3 | Not General Education |
BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (BSE) | 472 | 000522 | Sediment and Bio-Nutrient Engineering and Management | Hydrologic, biologic and engineering applications in the design and management of sediment and bio-nutrient control systems. | 3 | Not General Education |
BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (BSE) | 473 | 000523 | Water Management Systems | Engineering and management applications of soil-plant-water relationships applied to water management systems and efficient water use. | 3 | Not General Education |
BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (BSE) | 508 | 023572 | Biological Systems Engineering Design Practicum I | Overview of the engineering design process including problem identification, information retrieval, specification writing, development and analysis of alternative solutions, selection methodology, product safety, standardization, scheduling and cost estimating. Develop design project proposals for real-world design problems. | 2 | Not General Education |
BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (BSE) | 509 | 022100 | Biological Systems Engineering Design Practicum II | Individual or team work on a biological systems engineering design project: problem identification, information retrieval, specification writing, development and analysis of alternative solutions, selection methodology. | 3 | Not General Education |
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING (B M E) | 560 | 002700 | Biochemical Engineering | Properties of biological molecules; enzyme kinetics, enzyme reactors, and enzyme engineering; metabolic engineering; microbial growth kinetics; bioreactor design; bioseparations. | 3 | Not General Education |
BOTANY (BOTANY) | 123 | 015771 | Plants, Parasites, and People | Explores the interaction between society and plant-associated microbes. Topics include: the Irish potato famine, pesticides in current agriculture, role of economics and consumer preference in crop disease management and the release of genetically engineered organisms. | 3 | Not General Education |
BOTANY (BOTANY) | 260 | 019269 | Introductory Ecology | The relationships of organisms and the environment. Population dynamics and community organization, human-environment relationships, action programs. | 3 | Not General Education |
BOTANY (BOTANY) | 338 | 008241 | Environmental Biogeography | Explores how physical and biological factors affect the distribution of terrestrial biomes, ecosystem types, and biodiversity, as well as the role of disturbance and recent human activities on differences in past and modern day species distributions. | 3 | Not General Education |
BOTANY (BOTANY) | 370 | 023138 | Grassland Ecology | Understand factors driving global, continental, regional, and local distribution of grasslands. Discuss how management affects provision of grassland ecosystem goods and services. Compare and contrast plant community and ecosystem dynamics in native prairie and intensively managed pastures. | 3 | Not General Education |
BOTANY (BOTANY) | 473 | 007109 | Plant-Insect Interactions | Multiple ways in which arthropods exploit plants, plant traits that deter or augment insects, environmental mediation of these interactions, effects on population dynamics, community ecology and co-evolution, and implications to natural resource management, environmental quality, and sustainable development. | 3 | Not General Education |
BOTANY (BOTANY) | 626 | 017830 | Mineral Nutrition of Plants | Essential and beneficial elements, solutions and soil as nutrient sources, rhizosphere chemistry, nutritional physiology, ion uptake and translocation, functions of elements, nutrient interactions, genetics of plant nutrition. | 3 | Not General Education |
CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGR (CBE) | 250 | 002675 | Process Synthesis | An introduction to the invention of processes for the large scale, low cost processing of materials such as water, chemicals, petroleum products, food, drugs and wastes. | 3 | Not General Education |
CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGR (CBE) | 424 | 002682 | Operations and Process Laboratory | Experiments in unit operations, and supervised individual assignments selected from areas such as: fluid dynamics, analytical methods, reaction kinetics, plastics technology, and use of computers in data processing and simulation. | 5 | Communication B |
CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGR (CBE) | 430 | 002685 | Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design | Analysis and interpretation of kinetic data and catalytic phenomena; application of basic engineering principles to chemical reactor design. | 3 | Not General Education |
CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGR (CBE) | 440 | 002686 | Chemical Engineering Materials | Structure and properties of metallic and nonmetallic materials of construction; interrelations between chemical bonding, structure, and behavior of materials. | 3 | Not General Education |
CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGR (CBE) | 450 | 002687 | Process Design | Analysis and design of chemical processing systems and equipment. | 3 | Not General Education |
CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGR (CBE) | 512 | 025621 | Energy Technologies and Sustainability | Chemical engineering principles of material and energy balances, chemical process design, and chemical engineering economics are used to analyze a wide variety of energy systems and their impact on the economy, the environment, society, and the chemical process industry. | 3 | Not General Education |
CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGR (CBE) | 538 | 025622 | Processes for the Production of Renewable Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass | Various options for conversion of biomass into fuels and chemicals. Evaluation of different biofuel technologies from a chemical engineering perspective, and a holistic overview of the current technical, legal, business, and financial challenges, and opportunities for the production of fuels and chemicals from biomass. Several case studies on biomass conversion provide an overview of how technology is developed. | 3 | Not General Education |
CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGR (CBE) | 540 | 002696 | Polymer Science and Technology | Synthesis, properties, and fabrication of plastic materials of industrial importance. | 3 | Not General Education |
CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGR (CBE) | 560 | 002700 | Biochemical Engineering | Properties of biological molecules; enzyme kinetics, enzyme reactors, and enzyme engineering; metabolic engineering; microbial growth kinetics; bioreactor design; bioseparations. | 3 | Not General Education |
CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGR (CBE) | 567 | 002705 | Solar Energy Technology | Radiant energy transfer and its application to solar exchangers; energy balances for solar exchangers, review of theory, economics, and practice of solar energy applications. | 3 | Not General Education |
CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGR (CBE) | 750 | 002722 | Advanced Chemical Process Synthesis and Optimization | Methodologies for synthesis and optimization of chemical process systems. Application of linear, nonlinear, and mixed integer programming to steady state process optimization, production planning, and flowsheet synthesis. | 3 | Not General Education |
CHICANA/O & LATINA/O STUDIES (CHICLA) | 475 | 025907 | Latino Urbanism: Design and Engagement in the American City | Urban design in the 21st century American city explores a new understanding of urban placemaking and development. Explores the intersections of culture, place, and design to critically address how the socioeconomic dynamics that underlie demographic shifts in the U.S. are influencing urban change in the American landscape. Focuses on the evolution and ways by which Latinos shape the built environment, both in the public realm and in the home. | 3 | Ethnic Studies |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 311 | 003307 | Hydroscience | Introduction to the water cycle, its relationship to the environment and human attempts to conserve, control, and utilize water judiciously. Fundamentals of hydrology, hydraulics, coastal engineering and water resources engineering. | 3 | Not General Education |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 372 | 020058 | On-Site Waste Water Treatment and Dispersal | On-site treatment and dispersal of waste water from homes, commercial sources and small communities. Sources, pretreatment units, nutrient removal units, constructed wetlands, surface and soil dispersal systems, recycle and reuse systems, regulations, alternative collection systems. | 2 | Not General Education |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 421 | 024682 | Environmental Sustainability Engineering | Uses the three paradigms of sustainability (environmental, social, and economic) for strategic environmental initiatives in an engineering setting. Proactive environmental management opportunities, including practices of pollution prevention, industrial ecology, and design for the environment. A systems approach to manufacturing, examining the life cycle of products, incorporating total cost accounting, extended producer responsibility, and design for end-of-life. | 3 | Not General Education |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 426 | 003315 | Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants | Unit operations in wastewater treatment; physical, chemical, and biological processes for treatment of wastewater; sludge treatment and disposal; design of a wastewater treatment plant; site visits to wastewater treatment plants. | 3 | Not General Education |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 427 | 003382 | Solid and Hazardous Wastes Engineering | Basic concepts in designing, evaluating, and operating solid wastes storage, collection, and disposal systems; waste reduction, resource recovery, incineration and land disposal methods; hazardous wastes engineering; legal, political, and administrative considerations. | 3 | Not General Education |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 428 | 003384 | Water Treatment Plant Design | Preliminary studies and design of water treatment processes and subordinate plant facilities; project control of design project; unit operations in water treatment; groundwater treatment; preliminary cost estimates; introduction of computer-aided design concept; site visits to water treatment plants. | 3 | Not General Education |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 495 | 026286 | Sustainable Building and Materials | Concepts of sustainability in Civil Engineering with an emphasis on construction materials. Introduction to life-cycle assessment approach to evaluating the impact of infrastructure development. Current sustainable practices in construction projects. Connecting values to clients, stakeholders, and societal needs. Sustainability rating programs, such as LEED, Envision, and INVEST. | 3 | Not General Education |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 514 | 003438 | Coastal Engineering | The effect of natural forces associated with storms, hurricanes, and water-level variations on the coastal zone, and efforts made to combat these forces. Wave and storm-surge prediction, the change of waves as they approach shore, and wave forces on the shore; shore erosion and littoral drift; nearshore pollution in lakes and oceans; harbor, breakwater, and revetment design. | 2-3 | Not General Education |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 522 | 003446 | Hazardous Waste Management | Environmental regulations, remediation site characterization, contaminant characterization, detailed engineering and management considerations related to the design and operation of hazardous waste remediation systems involving water pollution, air pollution, solid waste, and groundwater pollution. | 3 | Not General Education |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 535 | 025830 | Wind Energy Balance-of-Plant Design | Wind Energy Development and Balance-of-Plant Design. Up-front coverage includes the science and mechanics of wind energy including turbine basics, wind resource assessment, energy production, and economic return. Balance-of-plant design aspects include site layout and micro-siting, foundation systems, collector systems and interconnection, site civil and electrical infrastructure, and structural tower analysis. Development includes environmental due diligence and permitting, stakeholder engagement, energy policy and markets, and levelized cost of energy (LCOE). | 3 | Not General Education |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 556 | 007356 | Remote Sensing Digital Image Processing | Techniques of enhancement and quantification of remote sensing imagery. Emphasis on processing and analyzing data gathered by airborne and satellite sensors. Techniques to quantitatively analyze data from photography, electro-optical scanners, satellite systems, and radar and passive microwave systems. Applications to: agriculture and forestry, geology and soils, water quality, and urban and regional planning. | 3 | Not General Education |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 623 | 023336 | Microbiology of Waterborne Pathogens and Indicator Organisms | Source, environmental fate and transport of major groups of waterborne pathogens, including epidemiology and testing of associated indicator organism. Management and treatment technologies for prevention of pathogen transmission. | 3 | Not General Education |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 718 | 007383 | Water Resources Management Practicum Planning Seminar II | The second of two seminars for planning the field work, analysis, and reporting of the practicum. | 2 | Not General Education |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 719 | 007384 | Water Resources Management Summer Practicum | Interdisciplinary team of students and staff working with agency personnel, citizen groups, and/or private sector representatives on the analysis of a contemporary, problem-oriented water resource issue. Physical, biological, economic and social aspects of the issue analyzed. Comprehensive written report results, practicum's findings and management recommendations. | 4 | Not General Education |
CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR (CIV ENGR) | 729 | 026058 | Environmental Sustainability Tools | Environmental impact must be quantified systematically and rigorously in order to inform decision making, process improvement, and policy. Life cycle assessment will be utilized in a project-based framework to evaluate the environmental impacts of products and process across multiple environmental impact categories. | 3 | Not General Education |
CLASSICS (CLASSICS) | 488 | 026136 | Greeks, Romans and the Natural Environment | Examine ways in which the ancient Greeks and Romans interacted with their Mediterranean environments and the various conceptions of the natural world that they developed in poetry, prose and visual art. Explore a number of general topics that will underpin the course as a whole: the characteristics of the Mediterranean environment, the effect of nature on humankind, and the impact of humankind on nature. Study aspects of Greek and Roman engagements with nature, such as agriculture, hunting, sacrifice, the contested relationship between the natural and the civilized, and representations of human beings using terms drawn from the natural world ("bears" of Artemis, cannibalistic "wolves"). Consider how these aspects of the ancient world relate to modern treatments of such themes. (NB: All Greek and Latin texts will be read in English translation.) | 3 | Not General Education |
COMMUNICATION ARTS (COM ARTS) | 444 | 026239 | Technology and Development in Africa and Beyond | Surveys the past 20 years of digital technology and communications culture on the African continent, cross-referenced with discourse on technology experiences in other parts of the developing world, through the framework of development studies. Readings include case studies of micro-tech practices as well as political and social use of new media, and government and NGO-led tech interventions. Information Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) is a key area of focus. Cross-discipline areas include communications and media studies, African, Latin American and International area studies, as well as the social anthropology of technology and science, and design. Think critically about technology use in the context of different tech cultures from around the world. Apply this perspective towards new media solutions to social problems. | 3 | Not General Education |
COMMUNITY & ENVIRONMENTAL SOC (C&E SOC) | 103 | 024799 | Agroecology: An Introduction to the Ecology of Food and Agriculture | Agroecology has blossomed across the world in recent decades as not only a science, but also a practice, and a movement. Employ the multiple disciplines and perspectives that Agroecology affords to analyze our agricultural and food systems wihin a broader context of dynamic social and ecological relationships. | 3 | Not General Education |
COMMUNITY & ENVIRONMENTAL SOC (C&E SOC) | 140 | 016784 | Introduction to Community and Environmental Sociology | Sociological examination of the linkages between the social and biophysical dimensions of the environment. Key topics include community organizing, local food systems, energy transitions, environmental justice, resource dependence, and sustainable development. | 4 | Not General Education |
COMMUNITY & ENVIRONMENTAL SOC (C&E SOC) | 222 | 016790 | Food, Culture, and Society | Social and cultural dimensions of food production and consumption. Uses historical and cross-cultural analytical frameworks. Treats a wide variety of topics including indigenous, racial, and ethnic foodways, industrialized food systems, sustainable agriculture, movements for food justice. | 3 | Not General Education |
COMMUNITY & ENVIRONMENTAL SOC (C&E SOC) | 248 | 016792 | Environment, Natural Resources, and Society | Introduces the concerns and principles of sociology through examination of human interaction with the natural environment. Places environmental issues such as resource depletion, population growth, food production, environmental regulation, and sustainability in national and global perspectives. | 3 | Not General Education |
COMMUNITY & ENVIRONMENTAL SOC (C&E SOC) | 405 | 025087 | Education for Sustainable Communities | How can education - for children and adults, in school and out - help to address crucial environmental and social sustainability challenges? What ideas and strategies have guided environmental and sustainability education over the years? What can individual people do to address environmental challenges, and what can only be accomplished by people working together? What does sustainability have to do with justice - and vice versa? Examine the principles behind behavior change and empowerment, community action and whole-scale social reform. Drawing on research and theory from across the social sciences, we will explore the uncertain relationship between education and advocacy, seeking the means by which education can have the greatest impact without compromising the core ideals of a democratic society. | 3 | Not General Education |
COMMUNITY & ENVIRONMENTAL SOC (C&E SOC) | 434 | 021543 | People, Wildlife and Landscapes | Explores the relationship between humans and wildlife amid diverse landscapes, both historic and contemporary, tropical and temperate. Investigates how humans shape wild animal populations by modifying physical environments, and by hunting, domesticating and introducing species. | 3 | Not General Education |
COMMUNITY & ENVIRONMENTAL SOC (C&E SOC) | 540 | 023419 | Sociology of International Development, Environment, and Sustainability | Sociological analysis of relationships among economic growth, environmental sustainability and social justice in the developing world. Considers frameworks for understanding poverty, hunger, educational and technological inequality, and the impact of globalization on prospects for socially and ecologically sustainable development. | 3 | Not General Education |
COMMUNITY & ENVIRONMENTAL SOC (C&E SOC) | 541 | 016818 | Environmental Stewardship and Social Justice | Application of sociological theory and analysis to environmental issues. Examines the ways in which environmental stewardship and conflict are embedded within broader cultural, social, and political contexts. | 3 | Not General Education |
CONSUMER SCIENCE (CNSR SCI) | 465 | 024510 | Families & Poverty | This course introduces students to research at the intersection of family and poverty studies. We will learn how family behaviors vary by socioeconomic status; how romantic relationships, childbearing, and childrearing may be implicated in poverty; what the consequences of poverty are for family functioning and children; and about the role of policy in influencing families and poverty. | 3 | Not General Education |
CONSUMER SCIENCE (CNSR SCI) | 567 | 024440 | Product Development Strategies in Retailing | Merchandise product development planning through market trend analysis, assortment planning & sourcing production. | 3 | Not General Education |
CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION (CURRIC) | 405 | 025087 | Education for Sustainable Communities | How can education - for children and adults, in school and out - help to address crucial environmental and social sustainability challenges? What ideas and strategies have guided environmental and sustainability education over the years? What can individual people do to address environmental challenges, and what can only be accomplished by people working together? What does sustainability have to do with justice - and vice versa? Examine the principles behind behavior change and empowerment, community action and whole-scale social reform. Drawing on research and theory from across the social sciences, we will explore the uncertain relationship between education and advocacy, seeking the means by which education can have the greatest impact without compromising the core ideals of a democratic society. | 3 | Not General Education |
CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION (CURRIC) | 677 | 023120 | Education, Health and Sexuality: Global Perspectives and Policies | Employs a lifecycle approach to examine the issues at the intersection of education and health that people face throughout the world, but especially in poor countries. Particular attention is placed on sexuality education, reproductive health, and infectious disease epidemics. | 3 | Not General Education |
DAIRY SCIENCE (DY SCI) | 371 | 024339 | Managed Grazing Field Study | For those interested in developing a comprehensive understanding of the principles, practices, and conservation potential of managed grazing systems, and how these farming systems may contribute to the sustainability and diverse tapestry of Wisconsin's working landscape. Visit managed grazing systems of successful grazing-based farmers (graziers) across southern/central counties in Wisconsin, and/or research sites at UW's Arlington and/or Lancaster Research Stations and/or the Discovery Farms Program. An opportunity to discuss at length with farm managers and researchers the practices in place at each farm and research site. Includes introduction to CALS/UWEX pasture forage/nutrient management planning and budgeting software. | 1-2 | Not General Education |
DAIRY SCIENCE (DY SCI) | 471 | 024980 | Food Production Systems and Sustainability | Delves into aspects of natural sciences (biology and agricultural sciences) and social sciences underpinning the assessment of food production systems as related to a variety of outcomes including but not restricted to human and environmental health, air and water quality, greenhouse gases emission, land use, economic opportunity, social justice, as well as mitigation and adaptation to climate change, locally, regionally, domestically, across continents, and globally. | 3 | Not General Education |
DAIRY SCIENCE (DY SCI) | 472 | 024641 | Animal Agriculture and Global Sustainable Development | Examines issues related to global agriculture and healthy sustainable development. Using a regional approach and focusing on crops and livestock case studies, students will learn the interdependence between US agriculture and agriculture in emerging economies. Some topics covered include population and food, immigration, the environment; crop and livestock agriculture; global trade; sustainability; food security, the role of women in agriculture, and the role of dairy products in a healthy diet. | 1 | Not General Education |
DAIRY SCIENCE (DY SCI) | 473 | 024646 | International Field Study in Animal Agriculture and Sustainable Development | Examines issues related to global agriculture and healthy sustainable development. Using a regional approach and focusing on crops and livestock case studies, students will learn the interdependence between US agriculture and agriculture in emerging economies. Some topics covered include population and food, immigration, the environment; crop and livestock agriculture; global trade; sustainability; and the role of women in agriculture and the role of dairy products in a healthy diet. | 2 | Not General Education |
ECONOMICS (ECON) | 343 | 007290 | Environmental Economics | Microeconomic principles underlying the use of natural resources such as air, water, forests, fisheries, minerals and energy. These principles are applied in the examination of pollution control, preservation vs. development, deforestation, and other environmental issues. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ECONOMICS (ECON) | 355 | 025243 | The Economics of Growing-up and Getting Old | What does economics have to say about how or why people decide to go to school, get married (or divorced), or have children? Use economic models to investigate these "every day occurrences." Start with early childhood and trace out the life cycle from schooling to retirement, concentrating on six stages of life: early childhood; schooling; adolescence; marriage and divorce; fertility; and retirement decisions. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ECONOMICS (ECON) | 370 | 025073 | Economics of Poverty and Inequality | Analysis of patterns and causes of poverty and inequality. Topics include theoretical approaches, measurement, historical perspectives and policy responses. | 3 | Not General Education |
ECONOMICS (ECON) | 371 | 025341 | Energy, Resources and Economics | Use microeconomic theory to analyze energy markets. Discuss the economics of oil, gas, and electricity and learn about applications to contemporary issues and policy questions. | 3 | Not General Education |
ECONOMICS (ECON) | 441 | 005620 | Analytical Public Finance | Analyzes the problems of the public sector in dealing with domestic issues of education, urban areas, welfare, natural resources, and the environment; provides students with opportunity to apply the tools of economic analysis that are pertinent to domestic public sector problems. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ECONOMICS (ECON) | 449 | 018937 | Government and Natural Resources | Problems of public policy and administration for development and use of natural resources. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ECONOMICS (ECON) | 475 | 021413 | Economics of Growth | Theoretical analysis of issues in growth and development. Models will be motivated by country experiences. Topics include: factors affecting saving, investment and cross-country differentials on per capita income; the role of government institutions, market regulation, technology and trade. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ECONOMICS (ECON) | 477 | 000367 | Agricultural and Economic Development in Africa | Composition, organization, and techniques of agricultural production; economic change and development of agriculture, economic policies, special problems of developing African agriculture. | 3 | Not General Education |
ECONOMICS (ECON) | 531 | 000359 | Natural Resource Economics | Economic concepts and tools relating to management and use of natural resources, including pricing principles, cost-benefit analysis, equity, externalities, economic rent, renewable and nonrenewable resources, and resource policy issues. | 3 | Not General Education |
ECONOMICS (ECON) | 548 | 005669 | The Economics of Health Care | Analysis of the health care industry. Markets for hospitals and physicians' care, markets for health manpower, and the role of health insurance. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ECONOMICS (ECON) | 623 | 023508 | Population Economics | Examination of economic determinants of population change and demographic behavior including household formation, marriage, child bearing and rearing, mortality (especially infant) and key forms of human capital investments including schooling and migration. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ECONOMICS (ECON) | 663 | 017668 | Population and Society | Social and economic determinants and consequences of contemporary and historical population trends in both developed and developing societies. Fertility, mortality, migration, population distribution, age structure, population growth. | 3 | Not General Education |
ECONOMICS (ECON) | 671 | 007372 | Energy Economics | The method, application, and limitations of traditional economic approaches to the study of energy problems. Topics include microeconomic foundations of energy demand and supply; optimal pricing and allocation of energy resources; energy market structure, conduct, and performance; macro linkages of energy and the economy; and the economics of regulatory and other public policy approaches to the social control of energy. | 3 | Not General Education |
ECONOMICS (ECON) | 747 | 000407 | Frontiers in Agricultural Economics 2 | Organization, design, and performance of food and agricultural markets. Industrial organization; firm boundaries, contracting, and collective action; spatial, temporal, and quality dimensions of market design. | 3 | Not General Education |
EDUCATIONAL POLICY STUDIES (ED POL) | 220 | 024871 | Human Rights and Education | Explores questions related to human rights and education, from the individual to the global level; from the abstract to the practical: What does it mean to be human? How do we learn to be human? What rights mark a human being? Do all human have rights? If they have a right to education, do they have a right to a particular kind of education? Can one global education and human rights model best meet the needs of our incredibly diverse global population? Can the global human rights framework improve current educational, national, social, and economic inequities? How so? How does education as a human right relate to human rights education? and who should decide the answers to these questions, and how? Investigates the tensions and boundaries of the human rights framework to reduce social inequality through methodological inquires in educational case studies, including: educational inequality; victims of the war on drugs; working children's rights; and climate change. | 3 | Not General Education |
EDUCATIONAL POLICY STUDIES (ED POL) | 320 | 026270 | Climate Change, Sustainability, and Education | Provides an overview of diverse theories and models of human-earth relations, and the causes and consequences of climate and environmental change. Develops a critical, global approach to examining the role of education, in school and out, in addressing crucial climate and environmental challenges. Focuses on a wide range of educational theories, projects, programs, levels, institutions, strategies, and policies. | 3 | Not General Education |
EDUCATIONAL POLICY STUDIES (ED POL) | 423 | 024120 | Education for Global Change | How do people conceptualize and utilize education to (attempt to) create individual, familial, community, institutional, national, and global change? Push collective understanding about the diverse ways that people have conceptualized change, its goals, and the mechanisms through which to produce change around the world. Explore a diverse range of educational approaches (including formal, informal, non-formal, and "traditional" educational models) to transforming the world. Draw on a range of disciplinary and sectoral approaches, including education, public health, and public policy; and a broad range of change models, including individual and peer behavior change, social marketing, social movements, chaos theory, and liberation theory. | 3 | Not General Education |
EDUCATIONAL POLICY STUDIES (ED POL) | 677 | 023120 | Education, Health and Sexuality: Global Perspectives and Policies | Employs a lifecycle approach to examine the issues at the intersection of education and health that people face throughout the world, but especially in poor countries. Particular attention is placed on sexuality education, reproductive health, and infectious disease epidemics. | 3 | Not General Education |
EDUCATIONAL POLICY STUDIES (ED POL) | 724 | 024121 | Poverty and Education: Transnational Perspectives on Policy and Practice | Addresses current debates about the nature of poverty, how it might be ameliorated, how poverty is related to other inequities and unequal relations of power, and how theories of international development might help us analyze these changing relations around the world. Examined these questions from a theoretical, historical, and practical perspective by providing an introduction to historical and contemporary debates on poverty, with a specific focus on the polities, practices, and institutions of education. Education is often understood as a way to end poverty. What are the underlying assumptions behind this idea? What are the contemporary educational interventions designed to end poverty? What are the dilemmas, contradictions, and limitations related to these interventions? In particular, if education is supposed to end poverty, how do we understand the stratifying outcomes of educational policies, practices, and institutions in the U.S. and globally? | 3 | Not General Education |
EDUCATIONAL POLICY STUDIES (ED POL) | 750 | 006061 | African Education: Past, Present and Future | Survey of indigenous and introduced forms of African education, formal and informal, in comparative format. The impact of Islam and Christianity on traditional educational styles. The struggle for modernity and cultural autonomy within the context of imperialism and international rivalries. Problems of nation-building, popular participation, and human resource development; educational planning and international cooperation. | 3 | Not General Education |
EDUCATIONAL POLICY STUDIES (ED POL) | 760 | 006063 | Seminar in International Education Development | Presents a comprehensive and critical understanding of the international educational development (IED) arena; the paradigms and theories that shape the field; the relationships among major actors and institutions; and themes and issues that have arisen in international educational development over the past decades. | 3 | Not General Education |
EDUCATIONAL POLICY STUDIES (ED POL) | 805 | 021538 | Gender Issues in International Educational Policy | Exploration and analysis of recent debates related to gender issues in international educational policy, including the intersection of education and demographic processes, the play of history and culture, and the social construction of gender. | 3 | Not General Education |
EDUCATIONAL POLICY STUDIES (ED POL) | 962 | 006087 | Seminar in Cross National Studies of Educational Problems | Topics vary. Examples: education and the formation of elites; education and socio-economic development; the social functions of examinations; comparative studies in church-state-school relationships; the status of teachers; American overseas programs in educational modernization. | 3 | Not General Education |
ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGR (E C E) | 356 | 022813 | Electric Power Processing for Alternative Energy Systems | Introduction to electrical power processing technologies that are necessary to convert energy from alternative sources into useful electrical forms. Several specific alternative energy sources are examined, providing platforms for introducing basic concepts in power electronics, electric machines, and adjustable-speed drives. | 3 | Not General Education |
ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGR (E C E) | 427 | 006369 | Electric Power Systems | The electric power industry, operation of power systems, load flow, fault calculations, economic dispatch, general technical problems of electric power networks. | 3 | Not General Education |
ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGR (E C E) | 527 | 006410 | Plasma Confinement and Heating | Principles of magnetic confinement and heating of plasmas for controlled thermonuclear fusion: magnetic field structures, single particle orbits, equilibrium, stability, collisions, transport, heating, modeling and diagnostics. Discussion of current leading confinement concepts: tokamaks, tandem mirrors, stellarators, reversed field pinches, etc. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENGLISH (ENGL) | 153 | 024483 | Literature and the Environment | An introduction to literature in English about the natural world and humankind's relationship with it; specific topics will vary. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENGLISH (ENGL) | 305 | 024953 | Rhetoric, Science, and Public Engagement | Focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of public engagement with scientific research, policy, and management, with an emphasis on writing, rhetoric, and scientific discourse. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENGLISH (ENGL) | 376 | 024035 | Literature and Animal Studies | How does literature help us understand animals and our relation to them? We address this question by exploring two types of representation: representation as depiction (the attempt to describe animals in literature) and representation as a legal or political act (the attempt to speak or act on behalf of animals). Organized around familiar animal categories - dogs, cats, horses, apes, birds, insects - we examine the representation of animals in modern literature as a way to give an account of the cultural history of human-animal relations and, in doing so, to make us reflect upon the social, political, and environmental consequences of this history at a time when animal species are disappearing at an alarming rate. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENGR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (E P D) | 628 | 023248 | Analysis of Trends in Engines | Take a scientifically-based look at trends in energy availability, emission control and refulation, and technological advances to make an assessment of the future of engines and powertrain systems for vehicles throughout the world. | 2 | Not General Education |
ENGR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (E P D) | 639 | 025643 | Plastics Recycling and Sustainability | Sustainability and recycling aspects in the life cycles of plastics and polymeric materials. Chemistries that can be used to make polymers from sustainable or renewable sources and biodegradable polymers. Current recycling practices and their limitations including polymer-based materials such as composites and layered packaging. Textile recycling and plastic pollution including microplastics are covered. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENGR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (E P D) | 660 | 023796 | Core Competencies of Sustainability | Introduces real-world pragmatic skills and applications in sustainability competencies. Content reaches across engineering expertise, from chemical engineering to buildings to product design and energy. Modules cover ecological footprinting, lifecycle assessment, resource use and integrated engineering practice. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENGR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (E P D) | 669 | 024083 | Sustainable Systems Engineering Capstone | Provides the opportunity to demonstrate ability to think globally, sustainably, and creatively. Gain real-world experience by applying theory, tools, and research to conceptualize, analyze, and design a solution to a real-world problem within a social and environmental context. Showcase the knowledge and analytical skills acquired, and integrate tools, science, and communication to address a community or industry need. Work with an industry mentor and customer throughout your project. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENGR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (E P D) | 731 | 026016 | Energy Efficiency in Buildings | Core principles of energy use and efficiency in the building sector (residential, commercial, institutional buildings.) Factors that influence energy demand (design, equipment, controls, operation, maintenance). Review of engineering fundamentals of heat transfer, heating and cooling loads, psychrometrics. Topics include building envelope principles (climate, orientation, materials, massing), heating and cooling systems, ventilation & indoor air quality, plumbing & water heating, lighting & daylighting, and internal energy uses (plug loads, equipment). Zero energy building concepts, energy modeling, and energy benchmarking are also covered. Applications include existing building operation and improvement, and new building design and planning. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 103 | 024799 | Agroecology: An Introduction to the Ecology of Food and Agriculture | Agroecology has blossomed across the world in recent decades as not only a science, but also a practice, and a movement. Employ the multiple disciplines and perspectives that Agroecology affords to analyze our agricultural and food systems wihin a broader context of dynamic social and ecological relationships. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 201 | 007080 | Insects and Human Culture-a Survey Course in Entomology | Importance of insects in the environment, emphasizing beneficial insects, disease carriers, and agricultural pests that interfere with the food supply. Environmental problems due to insect control agents. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 203 | 023580 | Introduction to Global Health | Introduces students to global health concepts through multidisciplinary speakers dedicated to improving health through their unique training. It targets students with an interest in public health and those who wish to learn how their field impacts their global issues. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 302 | 007084 | Introduction to Entomology | Principles including morphology and classification. | 4 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 351 | 007096 | Principles of Economic Entomology | Major economic insects: identification, life histories, bionomics, distribution, control; procedures in fundamental and practical inquiry. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 354 | 024107 | Diagnosing and Monitoring Pest and Nutrient Status of Field Crops | Provides students with information necessary to diagnosis and monitor corn, soybean, alfalfa and wheat for pests (insects, weeds, diseases) and nutrient deficiency symptoms including perspectives from Agronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Pathology and Soil Science. Proper soil and pest sampling information will be provided as will proper cropstaging techniques which are essential for pest and nutrient management. | 1 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 371 | 007100 | Medical Entomology | Arthropods of medical and veterinary importance, how they affect their hosts and transmit diseases. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 450 | 024062 | Basic and Applied Insect Ecology | Covers population and community ecology, plant-insect interactions, insect biodiversity and biogeography, and applied ecology. Weaves basic ecological theory and principles with their application to entomological problems such as conservation, biological control, agriculture, and insect-vectored diseases of plants and humans. Uses current entomological and ecological scientific literature and draws on examples from a broad range of natural and managed ecosystems. Broadens from pairwise species interactions (e.g., a predator and its prey) to the entire community of organisms and their physical environment. Emphasizes the theoretical principles and historical background underlying the various topics with a link to potential applications in agriculture, conservation, pest management, and/or invasion biology. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 451 | 023996 | Basic and Applied Insect Ecology Laboratory | Hands-on experiences such as labs, field trips, computer exercises, and discussions based on readings in the primary literature to enhance and delve into more details on materials introduced in ENTOM 450. | 1 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 468 | 007108 | Studies in Field Entomology | Concentration on structural, behavioral adaptations of insects to diverse habitats; dynamic relations between insects and plants, other animals and other insects. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 473 | 007109 | Plant-Insect Interactions | Multiple ways in which arthropods exploit plants, plant traits that deter or augment insects, environmental mediation of these interactions, effects on population dynamics, community ecology and co-evolution, and implications to natural resource management, environmental quality, and sustainable development. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 500 | 007110 | Insects in Forest Ecosystem Function and Management | Roles of insects in the functioning of healthy forest ecosystems, tactics for addressing challenges they pose to sustainable natural resource management, and emerging issues such as biological invasions, habitat alteration, and climate change that influence interactions among insects, their microbial associates, forests, and humans. | 2 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 540 | 019350 | Theoretical Ecology | Introduction to theoretical ecology, including hands-on experience in computer modeling. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 606 | 010436 | Colloquium in Environmental Toxicology | Current topics in molecular and environmental toxicology and problems related to biologically active substances in the environment. Topics vary each semester. Lectures are by resident and visiting professors and other researchers. | 1 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 624 | 022179 | Molecular Ecology | Basic principles of molecular ecology. Lecture topics include population genetics, molecular phylogenetics, rates and patterns of evolution, genome evolution, and molecular ecology. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENTOMOLOGY (ENTOM) | 801 | 007138 | Colloquium | Provides exposure to current research in Entomology. Weekly speakers represent diverse career backgrounds. | 1 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 100 | 007638 | Forests of the World | Ecology and conservation of a wide range of forests, from tropical rain and dry forests, boreal forests, to temperate forests, outside of the USA. The main threats to forests, and different strategies to solve conservation and sustainable management issues in international forestry. Trade-offs in forest conservation and management, resulting from different values that people place on forests, issues in equity and equality in access to forest resources. The role of forests in climate change and extinction of species. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 101 | 007251 | Forum on the Environment | Lectures and discussions about environmental issues. Historical and contemporary environmental impacts of humans on the biosphere. Global futures: population, technology, societal values, resources and prospects for sustainable management. | 1-2 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 102 | 024043 | Climate and Climate Change | Describes the basic climate principles governing the climate system. It describes the climate and climate variability at present, climate evolution in the past, and the projected climate change into the future. The scientific principles underlying the natural and anthropogenic greenhouse effect and climate model forecasts are elucidated. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 103 | 024799 | Agroecology: An Introduction to the Ecology of Food and Agriculture | Agroecology has blossomed across the world in recent decades as not only a science, but also a practice, and a movement. Employ the multiple disciplines and perspectives that Agroecology affords to analyze our agricultural and food systems wihin a broader context of dynamic social and ecological relationships. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 106 | 008461 | Environmental Geology | Application of geology to problems resulting from the ever more intense use of the earth and its resources. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 112 | 007254 | Environmental Studies: Social Science Perspectives | Explores different social science approaches to interpreting the relationship between environment and society at various scales, from the local to the global. Traces the social origins of environmental concerns, their social impacts, and the different responses they engender. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 115 | 024321 | Environmental Humanities: Asian/Pacific Perspectives | Offers a case-based approach to environmental studies from a humanistic perspective, taking into account diverse and connected transnational systems of Asia; materials draw on themes like forests, water, disaster, war, and conservation and wildlife. Introduces disciplines in the Environmental Humanities (literature, religion, music, etc.) through studies in tradition, theory and practice across South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia and ocean and Pasifik regions including Aotearoa, New Zealand. Investigate how environmental worldviews cast as the basis for action and understanding in the present? | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 117 | 025207 | GreenHouse Roots Seminar | Challenges Greenhouse residents to think deeply about themselves and their place in the social and biophysical communities of which they are a part. Read some classic and provocative essays to help engage the meaning(s) of "sustainability" and to consider how our lifestyle and career choices impact other people and the environment. Discover the deep history of sustainability in Wisconsin and to learn more about current sustainability initiatives on the UW-Madison campus and in the greater Madison Area. | 1 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 120 | 008194 | Introduction to the Earth System | Introduction to how the Earth system works and what makes Earth livable. Gain appreciation for how the atmosphere, oceans, life, and earth's surface interact to shape our local, regional and global landscapes. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 125 | 023895 | Green Screen: Environmental Perspectives through Film | From Teddy Roosevelt's 1909 African safari to the Hollywood blockbuster King Kong, from the world of Walt Disney to The March of the Penguins, cinema has been a powerful force in shaping public and scientific understanding of nature throughout the twentieth and twenty-first century. How can film shed light on changing environmental ideas and beliefs in American thought, politics, and culture? And how can we come to see and appreciate contested issues of race, class, and gender in nature on screen? Explore such questions and come to understand the role of film in helping to define the contours of past, present, and future environmental visions in the United States, and their impact on the real world struggles of people and wildlife throughout the world. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 126 | 007259 | Principles of Environmental Science | Relates principles of environmental science to our daily activities, with an eye to sustainability, conservation, and systems thinking. Introduces science as a process of inquiry and discovery rather than just a pre-established set of facts. Topics relate to energy, water, and land use, and include food, electric power, materials, buildings, transportation, and waste. | 4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 127 | 008198 | Physical Systems of the Environment | Climatic regimes, landforms, soils, waters and life forms at the earth's surface in terms of energy-transforming processes, locational patterns, and changes through time. | 5 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 139 | 008199 | Global Environmental Issues | Explores the global and local nature of environmental problems, including issues of climate change, food, energy, globalization, deforestation, biodiversity loss, resource access, environmental justice, and population. Considers how we should analyze and act on environmental problems as we confront the apparently daunting scale of such issues. What appear to be single global environmental issues are actually composed of many smaller, context-specific, and place-dependent problems or conflicts. Through an interdisciplinary and geographic perspective, these issues can be understood and addressed at the scale of our lived lives. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 153 | 024483 | Literature and the Environment | An introduction to literature in English about the natural world and humankind's relationship with it; specific topics will vary. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 171 | 012729 | Global Change: Atmospheric Issues and Problems | Atmospheric problems of global significance. Greenhouse warming, ozone layer, acid rain, climate change. Study based on elementary principles of atmospheric science. Systems approach applied to changing atmospheric composition. Interactions among geochemical cycles, anthropogenic inputs and other parts of the environment. | 2-3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 201 | 007080 | Insects and Human Culture-a Survey Course in Entomology | Importance of insects in the environment, emphasizing beneficial insects, disease carriers, and agricultural pests that interfere with the food supply. Environmental problems due to insect control agents. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 210 | 025338 | Cultures of Sustainability: Central, Eastern, and Northern Europe | Exploration of the ideals and realities of sustainability in Central, Northern and East European contexts. Cultural, historical, environmental and other perspectives on sustainability on a local and global scale. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 213 | 023784 | Global Environmental Health: An Interdisciplinary Introduction | Provides an introduction to the intersections of health and environment on a global scale. Exposes students to a range of problems in global environmental health, including climate change, disease ecology, and the globalization of disease. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 230 | 017786 | Soil: Ecosystem and Resource | Soils are fundamental to ecosystem science. A systems approach is used to investigate how soils look and function. Topics investigated include soil structure, biology, water, fertility, and taxonomy as well as the human impact on the soil environment. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 244 | 019534 | The Environment and the Global Economy | The "economic way of thinking" about global and regional environmental issues. Topics include climate change, biodiversity preservation, ocean fisheries, environmental impacts of international trade, poverty and the environment, and sustainability. | 4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 250 | 023526 | Introduction to Sustainability Science | Introduces issues connected with "Sustainability Science," the study of coupled human-natural systems with implications for resource use, human well-being, and the environment. Methods include risk assessment, life-cycle assessment, and conceptual modeling, as well as basic background on natural systems such as climate, water, and land use, and engineered systems including energy, transportation, land use, and materials. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 251 | 025740 | Ecology and the Global Environment | Ecology is the study of relationships in the natural world, many of which are increasingly being altered by human activities. These disruptions modify the environment on a global scale, affecting populations and communities of plants, animals, and other organisms, and making Earth increasingly inhospitable for life, including for humans. Explore the natural world and humans' role within it, as both instigators and managers of global environmental change. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 260 | 019269 | Introductory Ecology | The relationships of organisms and the environment. Population dynamics and community organization, human-environment relationships, action programs. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 270 | 024316 | The Environment: Religion & Ethics | What are sources on which members of religious communities draw in order to understand and address environmental change? Explores how religious persons and communities confront global environmental questions and challenges today, with case studies drawn from culturally and religiously plural societies such as India and Indonesia. Introducing diverse varieties of Christianity, Islam, and Hindu and Buddhist systems, gives overview of some approaches in the environmental humanities related to philosophy, history, sociology and anthropology, and ethics. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 305 | 024953 | Rhetoric, Science, and Public Engagement | Focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of public engagement with scientific research, policy, and management, with an emphasis on writing, rhetoric, and scientific discourse. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 306 | 025008 | Indigenous Peoples and the Environment | Indigenous peoples often have very close relationships to ancestral homelands, species and natural resources. However, definitions of "indigenous" can be controversial and highly politicized. Diverse outlooks on identities, worldviews and environmental governance clarify the complex meanings of indigeneity in the US. Highlights American Indian perspectives, conservation practices, and policy environments through consideration of US and international case studies. American Indian experiences shed light on pressing issues of resource sustainability and sovereignty, and demonstrate linkages to global Indigenous environmental issues and strategies. | 3 | Ethnic Studies |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 309 | 008223 | People, Land and Food: Comparative Study of Agriculture Systems | Introduction to how and why humans have transformed natural landscapes around the world, including tropical deforestation. Exploration of different agricultural systems, and topics such as food security, land scarcity, bioenergy and the impacts of food production on the environment. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 324 | 017797 | Soils and Environmental Quality | Interaction of soils with environmental contaminants and the role of soils in pollution control. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 326 | 026048 | Sustainability Tools: Systems Thinking & Life Cycle Assessment | Explores fundamentals of systems thinking and how to apply a systems-based approach to understanding and addressing sustainability issues ranging from climate change to environmental racism. Systems content is complemented with foundational skills in life cycle assessment (LCA), an inherently systems-based application of sustainability science that considers the full measure of resources used and waste created throughout the cradle-to-grave supply chain of a product or process. Life cycle and systems-based approaches are used to characterize both human and natural systems in local and global contexts. These approaches also will be integrated with sustainability concepts including the triple bottom line, industrial ecology, and the circular economy. Concepts include: life cycle stages, supply chains, stocks, flows, feedback loops, and unintended consequences. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 328 | 024095 | Environmental History of Europe | Explores a new approach to a part of the world with a very old history, but one that is now as 'modern' as any. The changing, complex relations between Europeans and their environments from antiquity to the twenty-first century offer instructive comparison with American and current global environmental concerns. Approaching Mediterranean and Western civilizations from an environmental viewpoint also offers fresh perspective on these enduring cultures. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 332 | 023108 | Global Warming: Science and Impacts | Offers a fundamental understanding of how and why global warming is happening and what to expect in the future. Investigate and discuss the evidence for change, the science that explains these observations, predicted impacts on humans and ecosystems, and the societal debate over proposed solutions. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 333 | 026339 | Green Urbanism | Over half of the world's population now lives in urban areas, with an expected increase of 2.5 billion people in the next 30 years. As urbanization (broadly defined as the conversion of previously undeveloped lands into urbanized uses) continues and intensifies, we are faced with a number of environmental issues, for instance, fragmentation and destruction of habitats, and decreased air and water quality. Explore how urbanization impacts ecological processes and resulting environmental outcomes, strategies for "designing with nature," and behavioral, planning, and policy responses to urban environmental problems. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 337 | 024005 | Nature, Power and Society | Explores the links between nature, power and society in today's world. Considers the complex relationships between humans and the earth's resources, including food, energy, physical materials, water, biota, and landscapes. Examines issues linked to population and scarcity, resource tenure, green consumerism, political economy, environmental ethics, risks and hazards, political ecology, and environmental justice. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 339 | 008242 | Environmental Conservation | Examines major environmental conservation approaches in the U.S. and developing countries and how they are influenced by sociopolitical factors, cultural values and scientific understandings of nature. Historical and contemporary cases are explored with emphasis on biodiversity and climate change issues. | 4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 343 | 007290 | Environmental Economics | Microeconomic principles underlying the use of natural resources such as air, water, forests, fisheries, minerals and energy. These principles are applied in the examination of pollution control, preservation vs. development, deforestation, and other environmental issues. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 345 | 025025 | Managing Nature in Native North America | Surveys the concepts, practices, and issues associated with natural resource management in American Indian communities. | 3 | Ethnic Studies |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 349 | 024844 | Climate Change Governance | Climate change is being felt, and addressed, at every level of society, from the individual to the global scale. Examine efforts to mitigate climate change. Learn about initiatives that are being implemented through international treaties; national, state, and municipal government policies; corporate programs; and individual behavior. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, their successes, and the obstacles they have faced. Evaluate various forms of climate activism as a means of pushing for meaningful action on climate change. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 355 | 025331 | Introduction to Air Quality | Links chemistry and meteorology to engineering, law, policy, and public health. Presents key ideas in air quality, with focus on reactive pollutants in the outdoor environment, especially gas and particle phase chemicals that react with human tissue to cause sickness and death. Discusses environmental impacts of these pollutants and regulatory approaches for their control in the U.S. and around the world. Indoor air quality will be included. Non-reactive pollutants, especially carbon dioxide, will be compared and contrasted with reactive air pollutants. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 356 | 024331 | Islam, Science & Technology, and the Environment | Survey of Muslim religious understandings of science, technology, nature and environment. Gain a global perspective through case studies, covering sources such as the Qur'an, theology and law, and traditions of esoteric piety (mysticism), and historical and contemporary issues like medical ethics, virtual realities, and environmental change, challenge and crisis. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 360 | 019289 | Extinction of Species | A comprehensive treatment of the ecology, causes, and consequences of species extinction. Ecology and problems of individual species, habitat alteration and degradation, socio-economic pressures and conservation techniques and strategies. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 367 | 022776 | Renewable Energy Systems | Learn about the state-of-the-art in renewable energy applications including biomass for heat, electric power and liquid fuels as well as geo-energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydro power. Practice engineering calculations of power and energy availability of renewable energy sources and learn about requirements for integrating renewable energy sources into production, distribution and end-use systems. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 371 | 023924 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing | Introduction to the Earth as viewed from above, focusing on use of aerial photography and satellite imagery to study the environment. Includes physical processes of electromagnetic radiation, data types and sensing capabilities, methods for interpretation, analysis and mapping, and applications. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 372 | 023925 | Intermediate Environmental Remote Sensing | Examines intermediate-level concepts in information extraction, data processing and radiative transfer relevant to remote sensing of the environment. Includes transforms, image correction, classification algorithms and change detection, with emphasis on applications for land use planning and natural resource management. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 405 | 025087 | Education for Sustainable Communities | How can education - for children and adults, in school and out - help to address crucial environmental and social sustainability challenges? What ideas and strategies have guided environmental and sustainability education over the years? What can individual people do to address environmental challenges, and what can only be accomplished by people working together? What does sustainability have to do with justice - and vice versa? Examine the principles behind behavior change and empowerment, community action and whole-scale social reform. Drawing on research and theory from across the social sciences, we will explore the uncertain relationship between education and advocacy, seeking the means by which education can have the greatest impact without compromising the core ideals of a democratic society. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 413 | 025267 | Preserving Nature | Understand the theory and practice the skills of effective, scientific, ethical, and legitimate preservation of nature (biodiversity, the atmosphere, water, etc.). Learn from global lessons in how to intervene against threats to nature, and the roles of ethics, law, and research in preserving nature. Gain mastery of terminology and usage so as to communicate professionally about nature preservation. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 417 | 025623 | Sustainability Science, Technology and Policy | Analyze the concept of sustainability through current trends, including energy, air and water resources, agriculture, environmental measurement and analysis, modeling, remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems, the built environment, transportation, ecology, conservation and global climate change. | 1 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 430 | 023840 | Law and Environment: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives | Explores environmental studies through a focus on law and legal history. Although its main concentration is on U.S. environmental law, the course will begin and end with broader historical and global perspectives. Topics include a survey of English, European, and early American legal approaches to land use, natural resources, and pollution through World War II as well as an examination of the development and practice of contemporary U.S. environmental law and consideration of the recent emergence of international environmental law. | 3 | Communication B |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 434 | 021543 | People, Wildlife and Landscapes | Explores the relationship between humans and wildlife amid diverse landscapes, both historic and contemporary, tropical and temperate. Investigates how humans shape wild animal populations by modifying physical environments, and by hunting, domesticating and introducing species. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 439 | 024147 | US Environmental Policy and Regulation | Covers a broad cross-section of American environmental policy by focusing on specific statutes and policy arenas. Surveys the basic elements of American environmental policy and regulation with a particular focus on the specific people, sites and scales at which environmental decision-making happens through primary-source case material. Maintains a dual focus on (a) the legal and regulatory aspects of environmental regulation and (b) the specific geographic and social features of actual cases in which regulations and policy are used. Understanding environmental outcomes in a complex society depends on observing both the structure of regulations and the geographic and social context in which such regulations emerge. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 441 | 007315 | Environmental Ethics | Adequacy of ethical theories in handling such wrongs as harm to the land, to posterity, to endangered species, and to the ecosystem itself. Exploration of the view that not all moral wrongs involve harm to humans. Inquiry into the notion of the quality of life and the ethics of the "lifeboat" situation. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 445 | 024922 | Culture and the Environment in the Luso-Hispanic World | Investigates how economy and culture work together, consuming and/or restoring their environments in divergent scenarios of the Hispanic World. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 449 | 018937 | Government and Natural Resources | Problems of public policy and administration for development and use of natural resources. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 460 | 009288 | American Environmental History | Survey of interactions among people and natural environments from before European colonization to present. Equal attention to problems of ecological change, human ideas, and uses of nature and history of conservation and environmental public policy. | 4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 465 | 024954 | Global Environmental History | Explores the history of human relationships with the environment on a global scale through analysis of long-term changes, from early civilizations, to the beginnings of global trade, the Industrial Revolution, urbanization, and 20th century technological developments. Offers first-hand historiographical research experience and training in writing for public web audiences. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 469 | 024516 | The Making of the American Landscape | Surveys the historical geography and environmental history of the United States by tracing the evolution of the American landscape from precolonial times to the present, with special emphasis on developing skills to interpret landscape history. | 4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 471 | 016239 | Introduction to Environmental Health | Impact of environmental problems on human health; biological hazards to human health from air and water pollution; radiation; pesticides; noise; problems related to food, occupation and environment of the work place; accidents. Physical and chemical factors involved. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 488 | 026136 | Greeks, Romans and the Natural Environment | Examine ways in which the ancient Greeks and Romans interacted with their Mediterranean environments and the various conceptions of the natural world that they developed in poetry, prose and visual art. Explore a number of general topics that will underpin the course as a whole: the characteristics of the Mediterranean environment, the effect of nature on humankind, and the impact of humankind on nature. Study aspects of Greek and Roman engagements with nature, such as agriculture, hunting, sacrifice, the contested relationship between the natural and the civilized, and representations of human beings using terms drawn from the natural world ("bears" of Artemis, cannibalistic "wolves"). Consider how these aspects of the ancient world relate to modern treatments of such themes. (NB: All Greek and Latin texts will be read in English translation.) | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 502 | 016241 | Air Pollution and Human Health | Toxicologic, controlled and epidemiologic studies on major air pollutants. Overview of study methods, lung physiology and pathology; air pollution sources, types, meteorology, sampling methods, controls and regulations. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 506 | 007332 | Modeling and Analysis of Environmental Systems | Systems modeling; applications to environmental problems; systems methods. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 515 | 007682 | Natural Resources Policy | Examine natural resources policy and law in the United States relating to forests, wildlife, and other natural resources. Investigates the policy-making process and the role of science, values, property, economics, and justice in the development of federal and state resources policy. Practice professional written and oral communication and ethical engagement in resources policy and administration. | 3 | Communication B |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 520 | 012773 | Bioclimatology | How climate systems and biological organisms operate and interact at the global scale and the implications of this for climate change, ecosystem ecology and human land use. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 534 | 024508 | Environmental Governance: Markets, States and Nature | Covers real-world questions of how the environment is managed and governed through state policy, economics, and social institutions. Includes strategies within and outside of the formal institutions of government, and extends the discussion to the commodification of nature and the use of science to understand and govern the environment. Also includes case studies of environmental governance in water, carbon, species, and urban sustainability. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 537 | 008325 | Culture and Environment | Geographic approaches to culture-nature relationships, including human perception of, use of, and adaptation to the physical environment, with emphasis on traditional subsistence systems; selected topics from contemporary and historical sources. | 4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 540 | 023419 | Sociology of International Development, Environment, and Sustainability | Sociological analysis of relationships among economic growth, environmental sustainability and social justice in the developing world. Considers frameworks for understanding poverty, hunger, educational and technological inequality, and the impact of globalization on prospects for socially and ecologically sustainable development. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 556 | 007356 | Remote Sensing Digital Image Processing | Techniques of enhancement and quantification of remote sensing imagery. Emphasis on processing and analyzing data gathered by airborne and satellite sensors. Techniques to quantitatively analyze data from photography, electro-optical scanners, satellite systems, and radar and passive microwave systems. Applications to: agriculture and forestry, geology and soils, water quality, and urban and regional planning. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 557 | 023577 | Development and Environment in Southeast Asia | Examines the political, socio-cultural, economic and ecological aspects of contemporary development and human-environment relations in mainland Southeast Asia, applying a critical and theoretically informed perspective, and focusing largely on rural issues. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 575 | 007358 | Assessment of Environmental Impact | Overview of methods for collecting and analyzing information about environmental impacts on agricultural and natural resources, including monitoring the physical environment and relating impacts to people and society. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 581 | 026124 | Prescribed Fire: Ecology and Implementation | Covers the use of live fire in land management and provides a background in fire ecology, fire behavior, fire effects, and the prediction of fire behavior for wetland, prairie and savanna fuels. Instruction includes field training with live fire exercises and the use of fire management equipment. Participate in prescribed burns outside of scheduled class times. Confers certificates of completion that qualify an individual to participate on prescribed fire crews with public and private sector organizations. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 602 | 024158 | Sustainability in Practice: Capstone | An integrative capstone experience involving interdisciplinary teams applying the triple bottom line principals of sustainability to local, regional and global challenges. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 652 | 007708 | Decision Methods for Natural Resource Managers | Applications of quantitative methods, including optimization and simulation, to the management of natural resources, especially forests. | 3-4 | Quantitative Reasoning B |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 671 | 007372 | Energy Economics | The method, application, and limitations of traditional economic approaches to the study of energy problems. Topics include microeconomic foundations of energy demand and supply; optimal pricing and allocation of energy resources; energy market structure, conduct, and performance; macro linkages of energy and the economy; and the economics of regulatory and other public policy approaches to the social control of energy. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 695 | 007378 | Applications of Geographic Information Systems in Natural Resources | Course has four components: 1) Detailed review of GIS concepts; 2) Case studies; 3) GIS implementation methods; 4) Laboratory to provide "hands-on" GIS experience. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 718 | 007383 | Water Resources Management Practicum Planning Seminar II | The second of two seminars for planning the field work, analysis, and reporting of the practicum. | 2 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 719 | 007384 | Water Resources Management Summer Practicum | Interdisciplinary team of students and staff working with agency personnel, citizen groups, and/or private sector representatives on the analysis of a contemporary, problem-oriented water resource issue. Physical, biological, economic and social aspects of the issue analyzed. Comprehensive written report results, practicum's findings and management recommendations. | 4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 724 | 023598 | Agroecosystems and Global Change | Impacts of global change drivers (climate change, atmospheric chemistry, bioenergy, urbanization, policy) on agroecosystems and their associated goods and services; environmental impacts of agricultural land use and feedbacks to climate; modeling approaches; critical review of current scientific literature. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 809 | 007395 | Introduction to Energy Analysis and Policy | Strategy and policy problems in energy policy, both national and international. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 810 | 007396 | Energy Analysis and Policy Capstone | Interdisciplinary application of energy knowledge to an analysis project for a real-world client. Integrate and apply technical, economic, political, and social factors in energy decision-making. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 843 | 019005 | Land Use Policy and Planning | Critical evaluation and analysis of land use policies and programs in relation to comprehensive planning and growth management issues in the U.S. The role of legislative and judicial processes and emerging public land use social values and philosophies in the development, regulation, and effectuation of innovative land use policies. Alternative land policy and growth guidance systems of select European countries. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 865 | 019016 | Water Resources Institutions and Policies | Governmental processes and policies for water resources management: major substantive problems and issues; political processes of decision making; problems of governmental organization and intergovernmental arrangements. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 866 | 021811 | Global Environmental Governance | In-depth examination of the political and policy challenges posed by global environmental degradation. Analysis of international institutions for managing the global environment. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 931 | 025032 | Remote Sensing for International Development | Explore the ways remote sensing data are being used within an international development context, broadly defined. Provides a unique focus on understanding how projects were completed with satellite data, what data sources were necessary, how expert local knowledge was incorporated, and how various challenges were faced and overcome. Discover how the application of remote sensing data helped change policy in different countries across the globe. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 950 | 003646 | Environmental Monitoring Seminar | A discussion and exploration of the social, economic and legal interactions of geospatial and environmental information technologies with society. | 2 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 951 | 024037 | Conservation of Biodiversity | Surveys the scientific knowledge, concepts, and models that are the basis for the applied practice for the conservation of biodiversity. Study interactions of humans with nature, and how conservation science is used to formulate policy and guide conservation actions. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 956 | 025417 | Advanced Environmental Remote Sensing | Focuses on the fundamental physical principles of terrestrial remote sensing, followed by an examination of advanced topics in earth observation and digital image processing. Topics include radiation interaction with the atmosphere and the surface; radiative transfer theory; land surface characteristics including energy balance; thermal sensing; atmospheric and radiometric correction of image data; automated cloud detection and removal. Applications of remote sensing data for environmental problems will be explored in depth, including biophysical remote sensing with 3D modeling of vegetation canopies, dense time series analysis, data mining techniques, data fusion, as well as object vs. per-pixel approaches to pattern recognition. Explores all major data types, including optical, RADAR, LiDAR, and hyperspectral data, and provide instruction in hands-on image processing using open source software. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 971 | 025418 | Environmental Sensing Technologies | Many diverse technologies for monitoring the environment have become available in recent years, including traditional remote sensing data sources: aerial photography and satellite imagery, hyper-spectral data, imagery on demand, RADAR and LiDAR. Other new data sources are quite unconventional, with many emerging relatively recently: unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones), social media, smartphones as sources of crowd-sourced data, and more. Sophisticated data management, analytics, and presentation technology are required to effectively leverage both the spatial (including 3D) and temporal dimensions of these often untapped data sources. Intended to survey and explore these newly developing technologies, and provide direct experience to the student to understand and interact with the data and methods (geocomputing, coding, cloud-based platforms), and to learn to plan, manage, and utilize them effectively. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 972 | 024000 | Conservation Planning | Prepare to plan, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of conservation projects and programs. Learn systematic and adaptive processes of conservation planning. | 4 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 976 | 021684 | The Practice of Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development | A weekly series of presentations by persons who have direct experience in the practice of conservation biology and sustainable development. Presenters may be students, faculty staff or agency persons. | 1 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 977 | 024038 | Sustainable Development - Integral Perspective | Review core concepts and history of sustainable development. Introduction to innovative frameworks to sustainable development, including integral framework, institutional analysis, and the often overlooked cultural, philosophical and psychological underpinnings of environmental decision-making. Analyze case studies and examples through the lens of the frameworks presented. Serves as a forum to present your research interests and examples regarding sustainable development. | 3 | Not General Education |
ENVIR ST - GAYLORD NELSON INST (ENVIR ST) | 979 | 024306 | Environmental Conservation Professional Practice | Provides an online environment for the development and practice of the skills needed to be an environmental conservation professional and leader. Analyze options and make good professional conservation judgments in complex and uncertain environmental, political, and economic settings. Provides the tools needed to assess and revise those judgments. Includes exercises on the politics of environmental decisions, internal and external communication strategies, and program development and assessment strategies. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOOD SCIENCE (FOOD SCI) | 150 | 025990 | Fermented Food and Beverages: Science, Art and Health | Explores the science behind fermented food and beverages, popularized by brewing, winemaking and breadmaking at home and in retail. Introduces the scientific principles that underlie food and beverage processing through fermentation. Covers how basic sciences such as chemistry, biochemistry and microbiology influence the process and desired outcomes when fermenting vegetables, milk, fruit, and grains. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOOD SCIENCE (FOOD SCI) | 472 | 024641 | Animal Agriculture and Global Sustainable Development | Examines issues related to global agriculture and healthy sustainable development. Using a regional approach and focusing on crops and livestock case studies, students will learn the interdependence between US agriculture and agriculture in emerging economies. Some topics covered include population and food, immigration, the environment; crop and livestock agriculture; global trade; sustainability; food security, the role of women in agriculture, and the role of dairy products in a healthy diet. | 1 | Not General Education |
FOOD SCIENCE (FOOD SCI) | 473 | 024646 | International Field Study in Animal Agriculture and Sustainable Development | Examines issues related to global agriculture and healthy sustainable development. Using a regional approach and focusing on crops and livestock case studies, students will learn the interdependence between US agriculture and agriculture in emerging economies. Some topics covered include population and food, immigration, the environment; crop and livestock agriculture; global trade; sustainability; and the role of women in agriculture and the role of dairy products in a healthy diet. | 2 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 100 | 007638 | Forests of the World | Ecology and conservation of a wide range of forests, from tropical rain and dry forests, boreal forests, to temperate forests, outside of the USA. The main threats to forests, and different strategies to solve conservation and sustainable management issues in international forestry. Trade-offs in forest conservation and management, resulting from different values that people place on forests, issues in equity and equality in access to forest resources. The role of forests in climate change and extinction of species. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 101 | 019122 | Orientation to Wildlife Ecology | Introduction to Wildlife Ecology and the profession of wildlife management/conservation. Emphasis on preparing for a successful career. | 1 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 110 | 023555 | Living with Wildlife - Animals, Habitats, and Human Interactions | A general survey of wildlife and wildlife conservation. Basic characteristics and management of wildlife populations and habitats. Human perceptions and interactions with wildlife. Current issues in wildlife management and conservation. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 248 | 016792 | Environment, Natural Resources, and Society | Introduces the concerns and principles of sociology through examination of human interaction with the natural environment. Places environmental issues such as resource depletion, population growth, food production, environmental regulation, and sustainability in national and global perspectives. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 300 | 007645 | Forest Biometry | Basic concepts of statistical inference and sampling theory as applied to forestry. Estimation of tree and forest characteristics. Use of aerial photographs; principles of data processing; information gathering and decision making under uncertainty. | 4 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 305 | 007650 | Forest Operations | Introduction to forestry operations in the implementation of forest plans, including site preparation, stand establishment, and harvesting systems. Analysis of costs and productivity, including system balance, marketing, timber procurement, and contractual services. | 2 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 306 | 019126 | Terrestrial Vertebrates: Life History and Ecology | Life history, ecology, distribution, and taxonomy of reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals. Birds will receive less emphasis. Primary focus is on Wisconsin species, including conservation threats, but covers all major North American families, and surveys major groups of the world. Designed as a foundation for detailed study of vertebrates or to satisfy the need for a scientific introduction to Wisconsin vertebrates. | 4 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 318 | 019127 | Principles of Wildlife Ecology | Major environmental factors affecting wildlife; structure and behavior of wildlife populations; regional wildlife communities and their conservation. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 360 | 019289 | Extinction of Species | A comprehensive treatment of the ecology, causes, and consequences of species extinction. Ecology and problems of individual species, habitat alteration and degradation, socio-economic pressures and conservation techniques and strategies. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 371 | 023924 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing | Introduction to the Earth as viewed from above, focusing on use of aerial photography and satellite imagery to study the environment. Includes physical processes of electromagnetic radiation, data types and sensing capabilities, methods for interpretation, analysis and mapping, and applications. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 372 | 023925 | Intermediate Environmental Remote Sensing | Examines intermediate-level concepts in information extraction, data processing and radiative transfer relevant to remote sensing of the environment. Includes transforms, image correction, classification algorithms and change detection, with emphasis on applications for land use planning and natural resource management. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 379 | 019139 | Principles of Wildlife Management | Ways of conserving desired numbers of animals for the overall best interests of society, be they aesthetic, ecological, economic, commercial or recreational; includes management of endangered species, exploited species, wildlife communities in nature reserves, and wildlife pests. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 401 | 019141 | Physiological Animal Ecology | Physiological adaptation and function in wild animals, primarily birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians. Focus on interactions between animals and their environment, and relationships between animal physiology and the ecology and dynamics of populations. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 404 | 023411 | Wildlife Damage Management | Theory and application of wildlife management from a species-specific and situational perspective. Introduction to career options in wildlife damage management. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 410 | 007666 | Principles of Silviculture | Ecologically-based forest management principles for sustainable timber production, maintenance or restoration of biological diversity, and maintenance of aesthetic quality and site productivity. Includes coverage of even-aged and uneven-aged management, reforestation principles, and ecological restoration techniques. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 411 | 024444 | Practices of Silviculture | Utilization of ecologically-based forest management practices for sustainable timber production, maintenance or restoration of biological diversity, and maintenance of aesthetic quality and site productivity. Includes coverage of even-aged and uneven-aged management, reforestation principles, and ecological restoration techniques. | 1 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 415 | 007667 | Tree Physiology | Physiological basis of development of forest trees and stands, factors affecting tree growth. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 424 | 021572 | Wildlife Ecology Summer Field Practicum | Practicum emphasizing research and habitat management techniques through individual and group field work, tours, demonstrations and lectures. | 2 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 451 | 017818 | Environmental Biogeochemistry | Emphasis is given to a consideration of the processes influencing the distribution and cycling of chemical elements in native and anthropogenic ecosystem-level cycles of elements, and biogeochemical cycling in major soil-biome systems. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 500 | 007110 | Insects in Forest Ecosystem Function and Management | Roles of insects in the functioning of healthy forest ecosystems, tactics for addressing challenges they pose to sustainable natural resource management, and emerging issues such as biological invasions, habitat alteration, and climate change that influence interactions among insects, their microbial associates, forests, and humans. | 2 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 501 | 007679 | Forest Fire Behavior and Management | Principles and applications of forest fire behavior, prediction, control and use; current policy issues in fire management. | 1 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 515 | 007682 | Natural Resources Policy | Examine natural resources policy and law in the United States relating to forests, wildlife, and other natural resources. Investigates the policy-making process and the role of science, values, property, economics, and justice in the development of federal and state resources policy. Practice professional written and oral communication and ethical engagement in resources policy and administration. | 3 | Communication B |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 524 | 022763 | Urban Soil and Environment | Many environmental issues related to urbanization are derived from the manipulation of soil. By coupling contemporary literature in urban soils with soil science, students will be able to evaluate environmental issues within the urban environment and provide new ways of remediating their impact. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 531 | 000359 | Natural Resource Economics | Economic concepts and tools relating to management and use of natural resources, including pricing principles, cost-benefit analysis, equity, externalities, economic rent, renewable and nonrenewable resources, and resource policy issues. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 550 | 007685 | Forest Ecology | Introduction to major abiotic and biotic factors that influence forest ecosystem composition, structure, and function. Reviews important processes that influence structure and function of forest ecosystems. Uses basic ecosystem concepts to elucidate influence of anthropogenic (including forest management) and natural disturbances on forest ecosystem structure and function. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 551 | 024252 | Forest Ecology Lab | Review concepts presented in F&W ECOL 550 by exposing the key concepts and processes discussed that can best be seen in the field or illustrated with the use of ecosystem models. | 1 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 561 | 019151 | Wildlife Management Techniques | Preparation of collections, analyses of food habits, sex and age determinations, censuses, trapping and banding, planting food and cover, research techniques. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 565 | 021188 | Principles of Landscape Ecology | Emphasizes the importance of spatial patterns at broad scales. Concepts and applications are covered. | 2 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 577 | 024624 | Complexity and Conservation of White-tailed Deer | Solve problems that arise in the conservation and management of wildlife populations requires that managers understand and evaluate human cultural, economic, and political issues in addition to ecological issues. Use case studies to understand the interdisciplinary nature of wildlife management while gaining practical hands-on experiences. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 590 | 007688 | Integrated Resource Management | Resource management planning in state and federal land management agencies. Apply principles by working in teams to develop a management plan for a real property by inventorying resources; developing management objectives and alternatives; and analyzing their ecological, social and institutional implications. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 599 | 022679 | Wildlife Research Capstone | Synthesize concepts in wildlife ecology and prepare for a wildlife research career. Develop a professional-quality research proposal for an extended project, carry out a pilot ecological field study, and design and implement a social survey questionnaire. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 606 | 010436 | Colloquium in Environmental Toxicology | Current topics in molecular and environmental toxicology and problems related to biologically active substances in the environment. Topics vary each semester. Lectures are by resident and visiting professors and other researchers. | 1 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 652 | 007708 | Decision Methods for Natural Resource Managers | Applications of quantitative methods, including optimization and simulation, to the management of natural resources, especially forests. | 3-4 | Quantitative Reasoning B |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 655 | 019156 | Animal Population Dynamics | Fluctuations of animal populations: techniques of study, documentation, controls. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 658 | 007711 | Forest Resources Practicum | Field training and experience; exposure to forestry operations, equipment, procedures, and management problems. | 3 | Not General Education |
FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY (F&W ECOL) | 660 | 024253 | Climate Change Ecology | The evidence that the Earth's climate is changing at unprecedented rates is now overwhelming. Environmental tipping points are being crossed and many species are adapting or failing to adapt. Climate change poses a significant problem for conserving and managing wildlife and their habitats. Climate change and its ecological impacts will be discussed and analyzed. | 3 | Not General Education |
GENDER AND WOMENS STUDIES (GEN&WS) | 805 | 021538 | Gender Issues in International Educational Policy | Exploration and analysis of recent debates related to gender issues in international educational policy, including the intersection of education and demographic processes, the play of history and culture, and the social construction of gender. | 3 | Not General Education |
GENETICS (GENETICS) | 527 | 025214 | Developmental Genetics for Conservation and Regeneration | Human-induced factors such as changes in land use and global climate are causing rapid worldwide biodiversity loss. Can modern molecular genetics contribute to species preservation? In this course, we will first explore the challenges and potential of molecular genetic methods based on biobanking, gene editing and nuclear transfer for animal biodiversity preservation. Topics covered will include: i) maternal factors and early animal development, ii) interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer (isSCNT) and oocyte-mediated reprogramming in animal cloning, iii) developmental, phylogenetic and ecological considerations for biobanking, iv) gene editing and synthetic biology as potential tools to recapture biodiversity. Use knowledge in animal population status, developmental genetics and phylogeny to address real-life problems involving the conservation of threatened animal populations. | 3 | Not General Education |
GENETICS (GENETICS) | 528 | 025190 | Banking Animal Biodiversity: International Field Study in Costa Rica | Study abroad course that provides an on-site educational experience where we use developmental genetics concepts to guide projects of biobanking and oocyte-mediated cloning, as a potential last-defense resort for the preservation of living species under risk of extinction. It will provide hands-on experience in current research and activities in biodiversity areas, including visits to biodiversity-rich ecosystems, on site seminars and demonstrations, biodiversity preservation activities, as well as exposure to local culture and social needs. | 1 | Not General Education |
GENETICS (GENETICS) | 624 | 022179 | Molecular Ecology | Basic principles of molecular ecology. Lecture topics include population genetics, molecular phylogenetics, rates and patterns of evolution, genome evolution, and molecular ecology. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 120 | 008194 | Introduction to the Earth System | Introduction to how the Earth system works and what makes Earth livable. Gain appreciation for how the atmosphere, oceans, life, and earth's surface interact to shape our local, regional and global landscapes. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 127 | 008198 | Physical Systems of the Environment | Climatic regimes, landforms, soils, waters and life forms at the earth's surface in terms of energy-transforming processes, locational patterns, and changes through time. | 5 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 139 | 008199 | Global Environmental Issues | Explores the global and local nature of environmental problems, including issues of climate change, food, energy, globalization, deforestation, biodiversity loss, resource access, environmental justice, and population. Considers how we should analyze and act on environmental problems as we confront the apparently daunting scale of such issues. What appear to be single global environmental issues are actually composed of many smaller, context-specific, and place-dependent problems or conflicts. Through an interdisciplinary and geographic perspective, these issues can be understood and addressed at the scale of our lived lives. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 230 | 017786 | Soil: Ecosystem and Resource | Soils are fundamental to ecosystem science. A systems approach is used to investigate how soils look and function. Topics investigated include soil structure, biology, water, fertility, and taxonomy as well as the human impact on the soil environment. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 309 | 008223 | People, Land and Food: Comparative Study of Agriculture Systems | Introduction to how and why humans have transformed natural landscapes around the world, including tropical deforestation. Exploration of different agricultural systems, and topics such as food security, land scarcity, bioenergy and the impacts of food production on the environment. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 332 | 023108 | Global Warming: Science and Impacts | Offers a fundamental understanding of how and why global warming is happening and what to expect in the future. Investigate and discuss the evidence for change, the science that explains these observations, predicted impacts on humans and ecosystems, and the societal debate over proposed solutions. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 333 | 026339 | Green Urbanism | Over half of the world's population now lives in urban areas, with an expected increase of 2.5 billion people in the next 30 years. As urbanization (broadly defined as the conversion of previously undeveloped lands into urbanized uses) continues and intensifies, we are faced with a number of environmental issues, for instance, fragmentation and destruction of habitats, and decreased air and water quality. Explore how urbanization impacts ecological processes and resulting environmental outcomes, strategies for "designing with nature," and behavioral, planning, and policy responses to urban environmental problems. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 337 | 024005 | Nature, Power and Society | Explores the links between nature, power and society in today's world. Considers the complex relationships between humans and the earth's resources, including food, energy, physical materials, water, biota, and landscapes. Examines issues linked to population and scarcity, resource tenure, green consumerism, political economy, environmental ethics, risks and hazards, political ecology, and environmental justice. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 338 | 008241 | Environmental Biogeography | Explores how physical and biological factors affect the distribution of terrestrial biomes, ecosystem types, and biodiversity, as well as the role of disturbance and recent human activities on differences in past and modern day species distributions. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 339 | 008242 | Environmental Conservation | Examines major environmental conservation approaches in the U.S. and developing countries and how they are influenced by sociopolitical factors, cultural values and scientific understandings of nature. Historical and contemporary cases are explored with emphasis on biodiversity and climate change issues. | 4 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 344 | 008250 | Changing Landscapes of the American West | Environmental change in the landscapes of the American West, in the recent past, present, and future, from the physical science background to human-environment interactions. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 345 | 025025 | Managing Nature in Native North America | Surveys the concepts, practices, and issues associated with natural resource management in American Indian communities. | 3 | Ethnic Studies |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 359 | 024704 | Australia: Environment and Society | An introduction to the human and environmental geography of Australia, including Australian geology, ecology, society, and culture. Topics include analysis of current events in Australia and current resource management problems using Google Earth and other tools. Australia is a settler country, the scene of indigenous genocide, a former English colony, a mythical unknown, a biophysical puzzle, home to a startling diversity of life, a cradle of modern democracy, and a powerful industrial economy with a rich resource base. It thus serves in many ways as a mirror for the US - even matching the US roughly in size, if not in population. The two countries share many elements of a common history and biogeography and yet the human and environmental geographies of the two countries have traced very different paths into the modern world. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 371 | 023924 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing | Introduction to the Earth as viewed from above, focusing on use of aerial photography and satellite imagery to study the environment. Includes physical processes of electromagnetic radiation, data types and sensing capabilities, methods for interpretation, analysis and mapping, and applications. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 372 | 023925 | Intermediate Environmental Remote Sensing | Examines intermediate-level concepts in information extraction, data processing and radiative transfer relevant to remote sensing of the environment. Includes transforms, image correction, classification algorithms and change detection, with emphasis on applications for land use planning and natural resource management. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 434 | 021543 | People, Wildlife and Landscapes | Explores the relationship between humans and wildlife amid diverse landscapes, both historic and contemporary, tropical and temperate. Investigates how humans shape wild animal populations by modifying physical environments, and by hunting, domesticating and introducing species. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 439 | 024147 | US Environmental Policy and Regulation | Covers a broad cross-section of American environmental policy by focusing on specific statutes and policy arenas. Surveys the basic elements of American environmental policy and regulation with a particular focus on the specific people, sites and scales at which environmental decision-making happens through primary-source case material. Maintains a dual focus on (a) the legal and regulatory aspects of environmental regulation and (b) the specific geographic and social features of actual cases in which regulations and policy are used. Understanding environmental outcomes in a complex society depends on observing both the structure of regulations and the geographic and social context in which such regulations emerge. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 460 | 009288 | American Environmental History | Survey of interactions among people and natural environments from before European colonization to present. Equal attention to problems of ecological change, human ideas, and uses of nature and history of conservation and environmental public policy. | 4 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 469 | 024516 | The Making of the American Landscape | Surveys the historical geography and environmental history of the United States by tracing the evolution of the American landscape from precolonial times to the present, with special emphasis on developing skills to interpret landscape history. | 4 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 507 | 026207 | Waste Geographies: Politics, People, and Infrastructures | Explores waste as discarded material, a polluting and threatening substance that must be managed, and as a political object. Waste's distribution across space and among groups of people, as well as the reasons for the effects of that distribution, will be examined using geographic perspectives. Who has the ability to avoid or remove themselves from waste? Who must live and work with it? The concept of infrastructure as a set of material things (roads, trucks, boats); laws and regulations; labor relations; and economies of disposal and consumption determining waste flows unites disparate topics and case studies across the semester. Concepts of and social movements for environmental justice are recurring themes. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 526 | 024511 | Human Transformations of Earth Surface Processes | Takes an earth systems approach to explore the role of human societies in shaping earth surface processes from local to global scales. We address how alterations to our landscapes and waterways affect biological, physical and chemical interactions among our biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. We discuss methods used to distinguish the "human impact" from background variability. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 534 | 024508 | Environmental Governance: Markets, States and Nature | Covers real-world questions of how the environment is managed and governed through state policy, economics, and social institutions. Includes strategies within and outside of the formal institutions of government, and extends the discussion to the commodification of nature and the use of science to understand and govern the environment. Also includes case studies of environmental governance in water, carbon, species, and urban sustainability. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 537 | 008325 | Culture and Environment | Geographic approaches to culture-nature relationships, including human perception of, use of, and adaptation to the physical environment, with emphasis on traditional subsistence systems; selected topics from contemporary and historical sources. | 4 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 538 | 008327 | The Humid Tropics: Ecology, Subsistence, and Development | Description and analysis of humid-tropical ecosystems, with emphasis on the relationships, production potential, and human modification of biotic resources. | 4 | Not General Education |
GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) | 557 | 023577 | Development and Environment in Southeast Asia | Examines the political, socio-cultural, economic and ecological aspects of contemporary development and human-environment relations in mainland Southeast Asia, applying a critical and theoretically informed perspective, and focusing largely on rural issues. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING (G L E) | 371 | 023924 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing | Introduction to the Earth as viewed from above, focusing on use of aerial photography and satellite imagery to study the environment. Includes physical processes of electromagnetic radiation, data types and sensing capabilities, methods for interpretation, analysis and mapping, and applications. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING (G L E) | 372 | 023925 | Intermediate Environmental Remote Sensing | Examines intermediate-level concepts in information extraction, data processing and radiative transfer relevant to remote sensing of the environment. Includes transforms, image correction, classification algorithms and change detection, with emphasis on applications for land use planning and natural resource management. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING (G L E) | 421 | 024682 | Environmental Sustainability Engineering | Uses the three paradigms of sustainability (environmental, social, and economic) for strategic environmental initiatives in an engineering setting. Proactive environmental management opportunities, including practices of pollution prevention, industrial ecology, and design for the environment. A systems approach to manufacturing, examining the life cycle of products, incorporating total cost accounting, extended producer responsibility, and design for end-of-life. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING (G L E) | 535 | 025830 | Wind Energy Balance-of-Plant Design | Wind Energy Development and Balance-of-Plant Design. Up-front coverage includes the science and mechanics of wind energy including turbine basics, wind resource assessment, energy production, and economic return. Balance-of-plant design aspects include site layout and micro-siting, foundation systems, collector systems and interconnection, site civil and electrical infrastructure, and structural tower analysis. Development includes environmental due diligence and permitting, stakeholder engagement, energy policy and markets, and levelized cost of energy (LCOE). | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING (G L E) | 627 | 008583 | Hydrogeology | Mathematical treatment of the physical principles governing the flow of groundwater; emphasis on well hydraulics and flow system analysis. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING (G L E) | 629 | 008584 | Contaminant Hydrogeology | Physical and chemical processes governing the transport of solutes in groundwater; application of hydrogeologic and geochemical theory and practice to the protection of aquifers from contamination. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOSCIENCE (GEOSCI) | 100 | 008453 | Introductory Geology: How the Earth Works | Geologic processes; structure and history of the earth; earthquakes, volcanos, glaciers, groundwater, minerals, rocks, deserts, fossils; topographic and geologic maps; climate change on geologic and human time scales. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOSCIENCE (GEOSCI) | 102 | 024043 | Climate and Climate Change | Describes the basic climate principles governing the climate system. It describes the climate and climate variability at present, climate evolution in the past, and the projected climate change into the future. The scientific principles underlying the natural and anthropogenic greenhouse effect and climate model forecasts are elucidated. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOSCIENCE (GEOSCI) | 106 | 008461 | Environmental Geology | Application of geology to problems resulting from the ever more intense use of the earth and its resources. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOSCIENCE (GEOSCI) | 110 | 008465 | Evolution and Extinction | Contemporary views of the origin and diversification of life and evolutionary processes; crises in the history of life, with emphasis on controversies regarding evolution, mass extinctions, and the co-evolution of Earth and life. | 4 | Not General Education |
GEOSCIENCE (GEOSCI) | 118 | 022883 | Eye in the Sky: Monitoring the Earth by Satellite | Fundamentals of satellite imagery applied to the earth sciences. Basics of image interpretation. Multitemporal data. Resolution and uncertainty. Existing and emerging technologies. Orbits, wavelengths, and satellites. Socio-economic impact of remotely-sensed data. | 1 | Not General Education |
GEOSCIENCE (GEOSCI) | 371 | 023924 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing | Introduction to the Earth as viewed from above, focusing on use of aerial photography and satellite imagery to study the environment. Includes physical processes of electromagnetic radiation, data types and sensing capabilities, methods for interpretation, analysis and mapping, and applications. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOSCIENCE (GEOSCI) | 372 | 023925 | Intermediate Environmental Remote Sensing | Examines intermediate-level concepts in information extraction, data processing and radiative transfer relevant to remote sensing of the environment. Includes transforms, image correction, classification algorithms and change detection, with emphasis on applications for land use planning and natural resource management. | 3 | Not General Education |
GEOSCIENCE (GEOSCI) | 627 | 008583 | Hydrogeology | Mathematical treatment of the physical principles governing the flow of groundwater; emphasis on well hydraulics and flow system analysis. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
GEOSCIENCE (GEOSCI) | 629 | 008584 | Contaminant Hydrogeology | Physical and chemical processes governing the transport of solutes in groundwater; application of hydrogeologic and geochemical theory and practice to the protection of aquifers from contamination. | 3 | Not General Education |
GERMAN, NORDIC, AND SLAVIC (GNS) | 210 | 025338 | Cultures of Sustainability: Central, Eastern, and Northern Europe | Exploration of the ideals and realities of sustainability in Central, Northern and East European contexts. Cultural, historical, environmental and other perspectives on sustainability on a local and global scale. | 3 | Not General Education |
HISTORY (HISTORY) | 125 | 023895 | Green Screen: Environmental Perspectives through Film | From Teddy Roosevelt's 1909 African safari to the Hollywood blockbuster King Kong, from the world of Walt Disney to The March of the Penguins, cinema has been a powerful force in shaping public and scientific understanding of nature throughout the twentieth and twenty-first century. How can film shed light on changing environmental ideas and beliefs in American thought, politics, and culture? And how can we come to see and appreciate contested issues of race, class, and gender in nature on screen? Explore such questions and come to understand the role of film in helping to define the contours of past, present, and future environmental visions in the United States, and their impact on the real world struggles of people and wildlife throughout the world. | 3 | Not General Education |
HISTORY (HISTORY) | 328 | 024095 | Environmental History of Europe | Explores a new approach to a part of the world with a very old history, but one that is now as 'modern' as any. The changing, complex relations between Europeans and their environments from antiquity to the twenty-first century offer instructive comparison with American and current global environmental concerns. Approaching Mediterranean and Western civilizations from an environmental viewpoint also offers fresh perspective on these enduring cultures. | 3 | Not General Education |
HISTORY (HISTORY) | 430 | 023840 | Law and Environment: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives | Explores environmental studies through a focus on law and legal history. Although its main concentration is on U.S. environmental law, the course will begin and end with broader historical and global perspectives. Topics include a survey of English, European, and early American legal approaches to land use, natural resources, and pollution through World War II as well as an examination of the development and practice of contemporary U.S. environmental law and consideration of the recent emergence of international environmental law. | 3 | Communication B |
HISTORY (HISTORY) | 460 | 009288 | American Environmental History | Survey of interactions among people and natural environments from before European colonization to present. Equal attention to problems of ecological change, human ideas, and uses of nature and history of conservation and environmental public policy. | 4 | Not General Education |
HISTORY (HISTORY) | 465 | 024954 | Global Environmental History | Explores the history of human relationships with the environment on a global scale through analysis of long-term changes, from early civilizations, to the beginnings of global trade, the Industrial Revolution, urbanization, and 20th century technological developments. Offers first-hand historiographical research experience and training in writing for public web audiences. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
HISTORY (HISTORY) | 469 | 024516 | The Making of the American Landscape | Surveys the historical geography and environmental history of the United States by tracing the evolution of the American landscape from precolonial times to the present, with special emphasis on developing skills to interpret landscape history. | 4 | Not General Education |
HISTORY OF SCIENCE (HIST SCI) | 125 | 023895 | Green Screen: Environmental Perspectives through Film | From Teddy Roosevelt's 1909 African safari to the Hollywood blockbuster King Kong, from the world of Walt Disney to The March of the Penguins, cinema has been a powerful force in shaping public and scientific understanding of nature throughout the twentieth and twenty-first century. How can film shed light on changing environmental ideas and beliefs in American thought, politics, and culture? And how can we come to see and appreciate contested issues of race, class, and gender in nature on screen? Explore such questions and come to understand the role of film in helping to define the contours of past, present, and future environmental visions in the United States, and their impact on the real world struggles of people and wildlife throughout the world. | 3 | Not General Education |
HISTORY OF SCIENCE (HIST SCI) | 213 | 023784 | Global Environmental Health: An Interdisciplinary Introduction | Provides an introduction to the intersections of health and environment on a global scale. Exposes students to a range of problems in global environmental health, including climate change, disease ecology, and the globalization of disease. | 3 | Not General Education |
HISTORY OF SCIENCE (HIST SCI) | 356 | 024331 | Islam, Science & Technology, and the Environment | Survey of Muslim religious understandings of science, technology, nature and environment. Gain a global perspective through case studies, covering sources such as the Qur'an, theology and law, and traditions of esoteric piety (mysticism), and historical and contemporary issues like medical ethics, virtual realities, and environmental change, challenge and crisis. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 120 | 009902 | Survey of Horticulture | For the beginning student. Scientific basis for horticultural practices; scope of the field of horticulture; introduction to propagation, culture, management, improvement, storage, and marketing of flowers, fruits, ornamentals and vegetables. | 3 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 261 | 009907 | Sustainable Turfgrass Use and Management | Sustainable use and management of turfgrass landscapes in urban and suburban environments, including home lawns, golf courses, and sports fields. Focus is on creating sustainable and attractive turfgrass landscapes through proper species selection, use of slow-release or organic fertilizer practices, and minimizing the use of pesticides and supplemental irrigation. | 2 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 263 | 009908 | Landscape Plants I | Field identification, landscape characteristics, uses, environmental requirements, adaptability of woody ornamental plants; their autumn and winter character. | 3 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 326 | 017799 | Plant Nutrition Management | Functions, requirements and uptake of essential plant nutrients; chemical and microbial processes affecting nutrient availability; diagnosis of plant and soil nutrient status; fertilizers and efficient fertilizer use in different tillage systems. | 3 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 332 | 017803 | Turfgrass Nutrient and Water Management | Nutrient requirements of turfgrasses; nature of turfgrass response to fertilization; soil and tissue testing methodology and interpretation; irrigation scheduling; irrigation water quality; use of irrigation and fertilizer to minimize environmental impact; writing effective nutrient management plans. | 3 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 333 | 026297 | Survey of Controlled Environment Food Production | Introduction and broad overview of indoor cultivation of food crops and hands-on experience in controlled environment food production including organic systems. | 2 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 338 | 000675 | Plant Breeding and Biotechnology | Principles of transferring plant genes by sexual, somatic, and molecular methods and the application of gene transfer in plant breeding and genetic engineering to improve crop plants. | 3 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 345 | 021992 | Fruit Crop Production | Survey of fruit production, emphasizing commercial production of temperate fruits. Fruit origin, history, classification, physiology, genetics, harvest and post-harvest handling. | 3 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 350 | 024377 | Plants and Human Wellbeing | Plants provide not only the foundation of food, clothing, and shelter essential for human existence, but also some of the key raw materials for transcendence and abstraction through music, art, and spirituality. Since antiquity, we have co-evolved with plants and their derivative products, with each exerting a domesticating force on the other. It is, for example, impossible to think of our modern life without its plant-based accompaniments in the form of cotton, sugar, bread, coffee, and wood. Yet they are so ubiquitous we may forget they all derive from plants discovered, domesticated, bred, and farmed for millennia in a never-ending pursuit to improve our wellbeing. Major points of intersection between plants and human wellbeing will be explored from a horticultural point of view by highlighting a plant or group of plants that represent a primary commodity or resource through which humans have pursued their own aims and explore effects and impacts on human society. | 2 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 351 | 025938 | A Deeper Look at Plants and Human Wellbeing | Plants are essential for human wellbeing, yet they are often manipulated in ways that contribute significantly to human and environmental detriment. Provides an opportunity for students to consider the scientific, social, economic, and public policy implications of plants or groups of plants and dive deeply into those subjects for a variety of crops that are essential for human societies. | 1 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 354 | 024107 | Diagnosing and Monitoring Pest and Nutrient Status of Field Crops | Provides students with information necessary to diagnosis and monitor corn, soybean, alfalfa and wheat for pests (insects, weeds, diseases) and nutrient deficiency symptoms including perspectives from Agronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Pathology and Soil Science. Proper soil and pest sampling information will be provided as will proper cropstaging techniques which are essential for pest and nutrient management. | 1 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 360 | 024689 | Genetically Modified Crops: Science, Regulation & Controversy | Explores how and why genetically modified (GM) crops are created and their regulation at the federal and state level. Through case studies, students will learn about the impacts of GM crops and critically evaluate arguments both for and against their use. Readings and discussion introduce students to the complex economic, cultural, and political issues surrounding GM crops. | 2 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 367 | 026039 | Introduction to Organic Agriculture: Production, Markets, and Policy | Provides an in-depth understanding of the history of organic agriculture, its production, processing, marketing, and social dimensions, and its impact on environmental, community, and human health. | 3 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 370 | 021176 | World Vegetable Crops | An overview of the importance of fresh and processed vegetables worldwide. Vegetable origin, history, classification, culture, marketing, physiology, genetics, handling, quality, significance in world cultures and diets. | 3 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 376 | 024628 | Tropical Horticultural Systems | Highlight the connections between tropical plants and society through a combination of readings, writing assignments, lectures, and collaborative work. Discussions include multidisciplinary reflections on the biology of tropical plants, as well as an overview of different production systems and some of the social and environmental problems associated with the utilization of plants in the context of local and global markets. Provides the opportunity to demonstrate comparative skills with respect to local and international challenges posed by the topics we address in class. By the end of this course, the student will be able to make connections between horticulture and conservation, food security, nutrition, and global health. | 1 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 378 | 024644 | Tropical Horticultural Systems International Field Study | This international field study will meet during the winter intercession in a tropical country in Central America. Reflect on the role of plants in our daily lives and the effects that our daily choices have on the environment, human health, conflicts, poverty, and development. Provides an opportunity to develop a holistic appreciation of horticulture by highlighting the interactions between plants and society. Discuss some of the social, scientific and environmental challenges that conventional, sustainable and organic horticulture practices face in the production, marketing, and use of tropical crops. The field study will provide an opportunity to contextualize what was learned during "Tropical Horticultural Systems" (HORT 376). Visit diverse agricultural systems, such as small farms, large-scale operations, market growers, and industrial export businesses. In addition, we will visit agronomic centers, botanical gardens, herbaria, germplasm banks, and nature preserves. | 2 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 380 | 025930 | Indigenous Foodways: Food and Seed Sovereignty | Indigenous foods of North America are a vital component of modern agricultural and food systems. Indigenous foods and foodways will be examined from interdisciplinary historical, legal, biological, and social perspectives. Historic indigenous foodways of the present-day upper Midwestern United States and the impact on food and seed sovereignty of settler colonialism and subsequent agricultural practices and policies will be explored. Current efforts to re-claim agricultural traditions and foodways to improve public health, economic opportunity, and food and seed sovereignty will be covered, including the right to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, to define one's own food and agriculture systems, and to control the mechanisms and policies that govern food distribution. Hands-on activities are featured; previous examples include cooking with indigenous foods, ice fishing, and tapping maple trees for syrup. | 2 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 524 | 022763 | Urban Soil and Environment | Many environmental issues related to urbanization are derived from the manipulation of soil. By coupling contemporary literature in urban soils with soil science, students will be able to evaluate environmental issues within the urban environment and provide new ways of remediating their impact. | 3 | Not General Education |
HORTICULTURE (HORT) | 626 | 017830 | Mineral Nutrition of Plants | Essential and beneficial elements, solutions and soil as nutrient sources, rhizosphere chemistry, nutritional physiology, ion uptake and translocation, functions of elements, nutrient interactions, genetics of plant nutrition. | 3 | Not General Education |
HUMAN DEVEL & FAMILY STUDIES (HDFS) | 465 | 024510 | Families & Poverty | This course introduces students to research at the intersection of family and poverty studies. We will learn how family behaviors vary by socioeconomic status; how romantic relationships, childbearing, and childrearing may be implicated in poverty; what the consequences of poverty are for family functioning and children; and about the role of policy in influencing families and poverty. | 3 | Not General Education |
HUMAN DEVEL & FAMILY STUDIES (HDFS) | 471 | 002913 | Parent - Child Relations | Parents' interaction with their children, programs for parents, and parents' interactions with other institutions. | 3 | Not General Education |
HUMAN DEVEL & FAMILY STUDIES (HDFS) | 516 | 002920 | Stress and Resilience in Families Across the Lifespan | Examines family stress and resilience across the life cycle from psychological, sociological, and biosocial perspectives. Explores research relating to normative and non-normative family stress and resiliency factors. Topics include parenting, poverty, violence, work-family balance, aging, health and wellness and others. | 3 | Not General Education |
HUMAN DEVEL & FAMILY STUDIES (HDFS) | 650 | 022680 | Parent Education and Support Programs | The purposes, contexts, and implementation of parenting support and education programs are studied. Some sections may include a service learning component. | 3 | Not General Education |
INTEGRATED LIBERAL STUDIES (ILS) | 126 | 007259 | Principles of Environmental Science | Relates principles of environmental science to our daily activities, with an eye to sustainability, conservation, and systems thinking. Introduces science as a process of inquiry and discovery rather than just a pre-established set of facts. Topics relate to energy, water, and land use, and include food, electric power, materials, buildings, transportation, and waste. | 4 | Not General Education |
INTERDIS COURSES (ENGR) (INTEREGR) | 170 | 024497 | Design Practicum | Introduction to design via the invention, fabrication and testing of a device that solves a problem proposed by a real world client. Information retrieval techniques, specification writing, methods for enhancing creativity, analysis techniques, scheduling, selection methodologies, cost estimating, sustainability in design, shop safety, engineering ethics, opportunities for engineering students (ie, study abroad, internships, co-ops), major exploration, fabrication equipment and techniques, and oral and written communication. | 3 | Not General Education |
INTERNATIONAL STUDIES (INTL ST) | 374 | 000346 | The Growth and Development of Nations in the Global Economy | This course explores the roles of markets, states, and civil institutions, using economic theory, computer simulations, and historical experience to better understand the forces that shape the wealth and well-being of nations and people around the world. | 3 | Not General Education |
KINESIOLOGY (KINES) | 353 | 023984 | Health and Physical Education in a Multicultural Society | Explores aspects and perspectives of diversity and culture, the concepts and importance of culturally responsive teaching, health education, and the Act 31 requirement for teacher education students. Perform a cultural self-mapping to become knowledgeable of how cultural background influences personal attitudes and actions, and attend a cross-cultural event to experience life in "another person's shoes." Engage in a multicultural field experience. | 3 | Communication B |
KINESIOLOGY (KINES) | 540 | 026073 | Diversity in Health and Physical Activity Settings | Designed for practicing educators and health professionals. It examines issues related to promoting equal learning opportunities in the classroom and other community settings, including effective approaches to encouraging collaboration among colleagues, staff, parents, and students who are culturally, ethnically and socio-economically diverse. Also addresses effective instructional and coaching methods for an inclusive sport environment, athletic programs, and health professions as they relate to diverse individuals. Introduces the theoretical and practical paradigm of cultural differences. Focuses particularly on diversity issues as they relate to race, ethnicity, gender, social class, sexuality, and racial considerations, development and ability differences, variations in learning styles and a variety of physical, mental, and emotional disabilities. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 210 | 025091 | Introduction to Landscape Architecture Design | Introduction to the techniques of landscape design, planning, and management through studio exercises. Principles of graphic communication media, and development of practical graphic skills to enhance ability to communicate with lay and professional audiences. | 4 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 211 | 010842 | Shaping the Built Environment | Urban, suburban, and rural environments intersect with the natural environment in important yet complex ways. Cultural as well as biophysical systems influence the structure and function of these environments at both local and regional scales. Exploration of these relationships by analyzing built environments and simulating future design and planning scenarios offer a transdisciplinary foundation for subsequent coursework. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 250 | 010837 | Survey of Landscape Architecture Design | Principles of landscape and environmental design; incorporates elements of landscape planning and management. Provides background to the ideas and personalities shaping landscape architecture in America. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 263 | 009908 | Landscape Plants I | Field identification, landscape characteristics, uses, environmental requirements, adaptability of woody ornamental plants; their autumn and winter character. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 321 | 024588 | Environment and Behavior Studio - Designing Health Promoting Environments | Design studio with an emphasis on the application of design principles aimed at promoting people's health and wellbeing in the built environment. | 4 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 353 | 010855 | Landscape Architectural Technology I | Problems dealing with the comprehension and modification of the earth's surface including landform design, preparation of grading plans, earthwork calculations. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 360 | 025725 | Earth Partnership Restoration Education: Indigenous Arts & Sciences | Participate in a one-week community-based, intergenerational Institute focused on ecological restoration and water stewardship rooted in Indigenous knowledge while working with Native Nations in Wisconsin. An emphasis is on environmental science aligned with cultural values and indigenous science processes and address environmental, education and health issues through restoration and stewardship action. Learn culturally accurate and authentic resources about tribal sovereignty, history, and culture and contemporary issues relevant to each community. Through hands-on stewardship action, a greater sense of self and diversity of perspectives related to impacts of climate change and preserving biodiversity will be gained. | 1 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 363 | 025772 | Earth Partnership: Restoration Education for Equity and Resilience | Ecological restoration education utilizes the power of place to work towards social justice and sustainability. Work with Native Nations and community partners to apply Earth Partnership's 10 Step process. This process includes historical, cultural, ecological, and social justice components. Learn about assets-based, culturally relevant approaches to working with community partners. Interact with guest speakers and partners to experience firsthand different perspectives on environment, cultural priorities, protocols for interaction, and opportunities for relationship building. Work on community-based stewardship projects and reflect upon your epistemological relationship to land and people as global citizens. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 371 | 023924 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing | Introduction to the Earth as viewed from above, focusing on use of aerial photography and satellite imagery to study the environment. Includes physical processes of electromagnetic radiation, data types and sensing capabilities, methods for interpretation, analysis and mapping, and applications. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 372 | 023925 | Intermediate Environmental Remote Sensing | Examines intermediate-level concepts in information extraction, data processing and radiative transfer relevant to remote sensing of the environment. Includes transforms, image correction, classification algorithms and change detection, with emphasis on applications for land use planning and natural resource management. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 375 | 010862 | Special Topics | Exploration of special issues or problems in landscape architecture. Topic and faculty vary. | 1-4 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 380 | 026361 | Plants for Ecological Design I | Plants as the basis for ecological landscape design in urban and rural settings in late summer, fall, and early winter and their role in creating beautiful, resilient, and high performing outdoor spaces that enhance human health and well-being and provide a number of global ecosystem services. Study plants in their native and designed habitats to understand the relationships between and among plants and their environment. Identify the aesthetic, structural, functional, and cultural characteristics of key Wisconsin native plants and a variety of non-invasive horticultural species as well as the composition, structure, and functions of forest, wetland, and grassland communities. Express the essence and cultural meaning of plants and plant communities through hand and digital graphics and writing. | 2 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 463 | 018938 | Evolution of American Planning | The nature and cultural significance of contemporary methods for the systematic formulation of public policies for community, metropolitan, and state development through comprehensive planning. Historic roots, recent trends and new directions in American planning concepts, institutions and professional specializations. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 475 | 025907 | Latino Urbanism: Design and Engagement in the American City | Urban design in the 21st century American city explores a new understanding of urban placemaking and development. Explores the intersections of culture, place, and design to critically address how the socioeconomic dynamics that underlie demographic shifts in the U.S. are influencing urban change in the American landscape. Focuses on the evolution and ways by which Latinos shape the built environment, both in the public realm and in the home. | 3 | Ethnic Studies |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 511 | 026258 | Geodesign Methods and Applications | Explore and apply methods and technologies used in the geodesign framework that emphasize collaboration among the design professions, the natural and social sciences, and community stakeholders. Exercises will focus on scenarios within the built and natural environment. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 556 | 007356 | Remote Sensing Digital Image Processing | Techniques of enhancement and quantification of remote sensing imagery. Emphasis on processing and analyzing data gathered by airborne and satellite sensors. Techniques to quantitatively analyze data from photography, electro-optical scanners, satellite systems, and radar and passive microwave systems. Applications to: agriculture and forestry, geology and soils, water quality, and urban and regional planning. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 560 | 010860 | Plants and Ecology in Design | Explores the process of plant selection and placement in the landscape. The desired landscape will be ecologically appropriate to the setting, sustainable, functional in response to goals, and aesthetically pleasing. Acquire an awareness and understanding of the physical characteristics of plant materials and a sensitivity to their needs based on past and present. Emphasis on the recognition of the philosophy of planting design as a dynamic and changing spatial art and science, the relationship between environment and plants, application of design composition principles to plant selection and placement, and functional and utilitarian uses of plants; i.e., the opportunities and constraints for plants in the designed landscape. | 4 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 561 | 010853 | Housing and Urban Design | An application of landscape design principles and problem-solving methods to housing and urban issues with attention to physical site design, land-use controls, and the relationship between housing and associated land uses. The built environment is continuously changing through multiple land development-and redevelopment-decisions. Public policies on housing, transportation, mortgage financing, and taxation, in conjunction with changing demographics and lifestyle preferences, are just some of the factors that influence the evolving structure and function of the built environment. Landscape architects can play important roles--through design, civic engagement, and policy advocacy--in making our cities and suburbs healthier and more sustainable. Studio projects focus on the central city and/or suburbs. | 4 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 562 | 010864 | Open Space Planning and Design | Form-giving design of open spaces in urban and rural settings and management for amenity and functional values. Integration of human activity requirements and experiences with physical and natural site features. | 4 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 563 | 023209 | Designing Sustainable and Resilient Regions | Exploration of broad scale design issues to develop synthesis and design skills. Uses spatial form and bioregional cultural, ecological and environmental concepts to solve land use and conservation problems. Regional design requires advanced techniques for inventory, analysis, and design to help in understanding complex trends, policy and design impacts, hazard mitigation, design intervention suitability, design guidelines, and systems level design. These techniques help us explore the relationships between regions and sites, especially regional implications of site design decisions and site design impacts on regional characteristics and systems. | 4 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 565 | 021188 | Principles of Landscape Ecology | Emphasizes the importance of spatial patterns at broad scales. Concepts and applications are covered. | 2 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 581 | 026124 | Prescribed Fire: Ecology and Implementation | Covers the use of live fire in land management and provides a background in fire ecology, fire behavior, fire effects, and the prediction of fire behavior for wetland, prairie and savanna fuels. Instruction includes field training with live fire exercises and the use of fire management equipment. Participate in prescribed burns outside of scheduled class times. Confers certificates of completion that qualify an individual to participate on prescribed fire crews with public and private sector organizations. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 610 | 010870 | Landscape Architecture Seminar | Capstone project proposal development from a regional to site scale. Includes site visits with clients to gain a better understanding of local conditions and the client's expectations. The final proposal document is grounded in research and includes a literature review, precedent studies, programmatic development, and inventory and analysis mappings that address issues from ecology to public/private partnerships. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 611 | 010868 | Senior Capstone in Landscape Architecture | Problems in landscape design, planning and management. Provides an opportunity for systhesis of the knowledge, skills, and approaches learned in previous course work. | 4 | Communication B |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 621 | 025879 | Designing Healthy Communities Seminar | Sustainable community planning and design principles aimed at promoting human health and wellbeing as it relates to the quality of the physical environment. Special topics include access to settings that promote physical activity, social interaction and mental restoration; walk- and bikeability; access healthy food, complete streets, place-making, and biophilic design, active living assessment tools, and architectural sustainability certification systems focusing on the health benefits of good community design. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 651 | 010871 | Plant Community Restoration and Management Workshop | Formulation of plant community restoration and management plans; including the preparation of planting plans and working drawings for implementation. Classroom and practical exposure to natural areas management tools, including prescription prairie fire. | 4 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 668 | 010877 | Restoration Ecology | Restoration is an approach to the conservation of native species, plant communities, and ecosystems. It is an interdisciplinary global enterprise practiced by private and public sector professionals and dedicated volunteers of all ages. Covers both the theory and practice of restoration ecology and examine the current opportunities, challenges, and controversies that underlie the field. The goal may be to preserve nature, but restoration is a fundamentally human enterprise-it is accomplished for and by people. Therefore we cover information from ecology, sociology, and the humanities. | 3 | Not General Education |
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (LAND ARC) | 695 | 007378 | Applications of Geographic Information Systems in Natural Resources | Course has four components: 1) Detailed review of GIS concepts; 2) Case studies; 3) GIS implementation methods; 4) Laboratory to provide "hands-on" GIS experience. | 3 | Not General Education |
LEGAL STUDIES (LEGAL ST) | 430 | 023840 | Law and Environment: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives | Explores environmental studies through a focus on law and legal history. Although its main concentration is on U.S. environmental law, the course will begin and end with broader historical and global perspectives. Topics include a survey of English, European, and early American legal approaches to land use, natural resources, and pollution through World War II as well as an examination of the development and practice of contemporary U.S. environmental law and consideration of the recent emergence of international environmental law. | 3 | Communication B |
LIBRARY & INFORMATION STUDIES (L I S) | 444 | 026239 | Technology and Development in Africa and Beyond | Surveys the past 20 years of digital technology and communications culture on the African continent, cross-referenced with discourse on technology experiences in other parts of the developing world, through the framework of development studies. Readings include case studies of micro-tech practices as well as political and social use of new media, and government and NGO-led tech interventions. Information Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) is a key area of focus. Cross-discipline areas include communications and media studies, African, Latin American and International area studies, as well as the social anthropology of technology and science, and design. Think critically about technology use in the context of different tech cultures from around the world. Apply this perspective towards new media solutions to social problems. | 3 | Not General Education |
LIFE SCIENCES COMMUNICATION (LSC) | 100 | 000600 | Science and Storytelling | Fundamentals of effective written and spoken communication. Develops skills in gathering and evaluating information, writing research papers and other documents, and preparing and delivering oral presentations. | 3 | Communication A |
LIFE SCIENCES COMMUNICATION (LSC) | 251 | 023511 | Science, Media and Society | Introduction to communication at the intersection of science, politics and society; overview of the theoretical foundations of science communication and their relevance for societal debates about science and emerging technologies across different parts of the world. | 3 | Not General Education |
LIFE SCIENCES COMMUNICATION (LSC) | 270 | 023534 | Marketing Communication for the Sciences | Explores marketing, promotion, and strategic communication specific to the consumer marketplace. Analyze communication strategies for science products and industries synthesized from business goals and objectives to specific audiences. Coursework includes a variety of readings from a class textbook as well as peer-reviewed papers published in life science, marketing, communication, and general business journals. | 3 | Not General Education |
LIFE SCIENCES COMMUNICATION (LSC) | 314 | 000629 | Introduction to Digital Video Production | Principles and techniques of digital documentary and informational video production. Video styles and subject matter treatment analyzed. Information gathering, videography, scripting, producing, and editing techniques. | 3 | Not General Education |
LIFE SCIENCES COMMUNICATION (LSC) | 350 | 020087 | Visualizing Science and Technology | Introduction to the basic principles in the visual communication of science information. Principles of design, perception, cognition as well as the use of technologies in the representation of science in the mass media will be explored through illustrated lectures and written critique. | 3 | Not General Education |
LIFE SCIENCES COMMUNICATION (LSC) | 360 | 000612 | Information Radio | Radio writing, editing, information gathering, planning, voicing, and evaluation using digital recording and editing equipment. Students write, produce and voice newscasts, advertisements, public service announcements, interviews, and features. | 3 | Communication B |
LIFE SCIENCES COMMUNICATION (LSC) | 430 | 009811 | Communicating Science with Narrative | Understand how narrative theory influences audiences in presenting science; analyze the role of metaphor in communicating science; integrate effective writing structures for explaining complex science; learn writing and editing skills for best practices in science communication. | 3 | Communication B |
LIFE SCIENCES COMMUNICATION (LSC) | 444 | 021989 | Native American Environmental Issues and the Media | Explores public understanding and media coverage of Native American environmental issues including treaty rights, air and water quality, land-into-trust, and sacred sites. Analysis of organizational and structural constraints of media coverage relating to issues of sovereignty and intergovernmental relationships. | 3 | Ethnic Studies |
LIFE SCIENCES COMMUNICATION (LSC) | 515 | 000625 | Social Marketing Campaigns in Science, Health and the Environment | Design, production and evaluation of communication programs aimed at informing and educating the public about agricultural, environmental, science, health and human ecology issues. | 3 | Not General Education |
LIFE SCIENCES COMMUNICATION (LSC) | 640 | 000635 | Case Studies in the Communication of Science and Technology | Examination of social scientific research addressing characteristics of science, public understanding of science, science news, and relationships between scientists and journalists. Application of this knowledge to several case studies examining the function of communication in specific scientific or technical contexts. | 3 | Not General Education |
MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCES (M H R) | 310 | 024447 | Challenges & Solutions in Business Sustainability | Provides central knowledge and skills to tackle challenges at the intersection of business and sustainability. Analysis of the causes of sustainability challenges as relating to business and study of frameworks and measurement systems for incorporating sustainability into corporate decision-making and business analysis. | 3 | Not General Education |
MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCES (M H R) | 321 | 023615 | Social Entrepreneurship | Learn how to create a socially-engaged businesses and how to use entrepreneurial approaches to non-profit ventures. Activities include developing mission statements, assessing social impact, seeking funding from varied sources. Guest lecturers, cases, role playing. Grounded in management theory. | 1 | Not General Education |
MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCES (M H R) | 710 | 024448 | Challenges & Solutions in Business Sustainability | Provides central knowledge and skills to tackle challenges at the intersection of business and sustainability. Analysis of the causes of sustainability challenges as relating to business and study of frameworks and measurement systems for incorporating sustainability into corporate decision-making and business analysis. | 2-3 | Not General Education |
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (M E) | 567 | 002705 | Solar Energy Technology | Radiant energy transfer and its application to solar exchangers; energy balances for solar exchangers, review of theory, economics, and practice of solar energy applications. | 3 | Not General Education |
MEDICAL HISTORY AND BIOETHICS (MED HIST) | 344 | 025939 | Food Ethics | There are many ethical issues related to food production, distribution, consumption, and policy, including animal welfare, animal rights, vegetarianism and veganism, environmental impact, treatment of workers, prospects for agricultural reform, ethical responsibilities of corporate and industry actors, and labeling issues surrounding the use of genetically engineered foods. Some are more theoretical, such as which individuals affected by agriculture deserve direct moral consideration. Other are more practical, such as how to feed a growing global population. We will begin with a brief survey of ethical theories and methods of ethical reasoning, and then explore, from both personal and policy perspectives, several food ethics issues. Among the aims of the course are the goals of helping you think critically about the ethically relevant impacts of your own food choices and improving your understanding of ethical issues implicated in food systems. | 3 | Not General Education |
MICROBIOLOGY (MICROBIO) | 523 | 017819 | Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry | Transformations of nutrients and contaminants in soils and groundwater by microorganisms: emphasis on enzymatic mechanisms and metabolic pathways. Approaches for analyzing microbial populations and activities including molecular techniques. Applications of microbial activities for bioremediation of contaminated soils and groundwater. Students should have completed one course in either Soil Science or Microbiology to feel comfortable with the course content. | 3 | Not General Education |
NUCLEAR ENGINEERING (N E) | 527 | 006410 | Plasma Confinement and Heating | Principles of magnetic confinement and heating of plasmas for controlled thermonuclear fusion: magnetic field structures, single particle orbits, equilibrium, stability, collisions, transport, heating, modeling and diagnostics. Discussion of current leading confinement concepts: tokamaks, tandem mirrors, stellarators, reversed field pinches, etc. | 3 | Not General Education |
NUCLEAR ENGINEERING (N E) | 571 | 013833 | Economic and Environmental Aspects of Nuclear Energy | Economics of the nuclear fuel cycle. Economic and environmental impact the nuclear fuel cycle. Impact on design, plant siting and regulation. | 3 | Not General Education |
NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES (NUTR SCI) | 132 | 014036 | Nutrition Today | Nutrition and its relationship to humans and their biological, social, and physical environment; current issues and concerns that affect the nutritional status of various population groups. | 3 | Not General Education |
NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES (NUTR SCI) | 203 | 023580 | Introduction to Global Health | Introduces students to global health concepts through multidisciplinary speakers dedicated to improving health through their unique training. It targets students with an interest in public health and those who wish to learn how their field impacts their global issues. | 3 | Not General Education |
NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES (NUTR SCI) | 350 | 014048 | World Hunger and Malnutrition | Hunger and poverty in developing countries and the United States. Topics include: nutrition and health, population, food production and availability, and income distribution and employment. | 3 | Not General Education |
NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES (NUTR SCI) | 377 | 025701 | Cultural Aspects of Food and Nutrition | Exploration of cultural competency and humility as a factor in reducing nutrition-related health disparities, and an opportunity to foster community resilience within the United States. Analysis of how personal cultural perspectives can shape biases and stereotypes that can widen the health disparity gap. Principles of food and culture utilized to compare cultural perspectives of health and well-being, including influences of spirituality and religiosity on food choice and dietary patterns. Includes content collaborators and guest speakers from a variety of communities, and identities. | 3 | Ethnic Studies |
OPERATIONS & TECHNOLOGY MGMT (OTM) | 370 | 023928 | Sustainable Approaches to System Improvement | Organizations employ a variety of improvement approaches to develop sustainable practices. Sustainability concerns such as natural capital, emission buildup, and base of the pyramid are directly addressed by examining innovative system-improvement concepts, while simultaneously strengthening mission-central concerns such as cost, quality, customer, market, revenue, profit, brand, reputation sourcing, and quality of work life. | 3 | Not General Education |
OPERATIONS & TECHNOLOGY MGMT (OTM) | 770 | 003227 | Sustainable Approaches to System Improvement | Innovative system-improvement concepts and approaches that sustainably strengthen mission-central concerns such as quality, cost, customers, markets, revenue, profit, brand, reputation, sourcing, quality of work life, natural capital, buildup of concentrations and base of the pyramid. | 4 | Not General Education |
PHILOSOPHY (PHILOS) | 344 | 025939 | Food Ethics | There are many ethical issues related to food production, distribution, consumption, and policy, including animal welfare, animal rights, vegetarianism and veganism, environmental impact, treatment of workers, prospects for agricultural reform, ethical responsibilities of corporate and industry actors, and labeling issues surrounding the use of genetically engineered foods. Some are more theoretical, such as which individuals affected by agriculture deserve direct moral consideration. Other are more practical, such as how to feed a growing global population. We will begin with a brief survey of ethical theories and methods of ethical reasoning, and then explore, from both personal and policy perspectives, several food ethics issues. Among the aims of the course are the goals of helping you think critically about the ethically relevant impacts of your own food choices and improving your understanding of ethical issues implicated in food systems. | 3 | Not General Education |
PHILOSOPHY (PHILOS) | 441 | 007315 | Environmental Ethics | Adequacy of ethical theories in handling such wrongs as harm to the land, to posterity, to endangered species, and to the ecosystem itself. Exploration of the view that not all moral wrongs involve harm to humans. Inquiry into the notion of the quality of life and the ethics of the "lifeboat" situation. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
PHYSICS (PHYSICS) | 527 | 006410 | Plasma Confinement and Heating | Principles of magnetic confinement and heating of plasmas for controlled thermonuclear fusion: magnetic field structures, single particle orbits, equilibrium, stability, collisions, transport, heating, modeling and diagnostics. Discussion of current leading confinement concepts: tokamaks, tandem mirrors, stellarators, reversed field pinches, etc. | 3 | Not General Education |
PLANT PATHOLOGY (PL PATH) | 123 | 015771 | Plants, Parasites, and People | Explores the interaction between society and plant-associated microbes. Topics include: the Irish potato famine, pesticides in current agriculture, role of economics and consumer preference in crop disease management and the release of genetically engineered organisms. | 3 | Not General Education |
PLANT PATHOLOGY (PL PATH) | 261 | 009907 | Sustainable Turfgrass Use and Management | Sustainable use and management of turfgrass landscapes in urban and suburban environments, including home lawns, golf courses, and sports fields. Focus is on creating sustainable and attractive turfgrass landscapes through proper species selection, use of slow-release or organic fertilizer practices, and minimizing the use of pesticides and supplemental irrigation. | 2 | Not General Education |
PLANT PATHOLOGY (PL PATH) | 300 | 015774 | Introduction to Plant Pathology | Economic importance, symptoms, causes, and methods of control of representative plant diseases. | 4 | Not General Education |
PLANT PATHOLOGY (PL PATH) | 311 | 023887 | Global Food Security | Isn't having enough food a basic human right? Exploration of the drivers of food insecurity: barriers to food production (pests, land availability, climate), barriers to food availability (politics, price, biofuels), and a greater need due to population growth. Examination of solutions to food insecurity. | 3 | Not General Education |
PLANT PATHOLOGY (PL PATH) | 315 | 025047 | Plant Microbiomes | Explore plant associated microbial communities (the plant microbiome), methods used to study them, and how we can use them to improve plant and ecosystem health in the face of challenges to agricultural and natural systems. Examples will be drawn from annual crop, grassland, and forested ecosystems. Use current molecular, bioinformatic, and statistical approaches to characterize rhizosphere microbiomes from samples collected as part of on-going research projects. | 4 | Not General Education |
PLANT PATHOLOGY (PL PATH) | 323 | 017796 | Soil Biology | Nature, activities and role of organisms inhabiting soil. Effects of soil biota on ecosystem function, response to cultural practices, and impacts on environmental quality, including bioremediation of contaminated soils. | 3 | Not General Education |
PLANT PATHOLOGY (PL PATH) | 354 | 024107 | Diagnosing and Monitoring Pest and Nutrient Status of Field Crops | Provides students with information necessary to diagnosis and monitor corn, soybean, alfalfa and wheat for pests (insects, weeds, diseases) and nutrient deficiency symptoms including perspectives from Agronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Pathology and Soil Science. Proper soil and pest sampling information will be provided as will proper cropstaging techniques which are essential for pest and nutrient management. | 1 | Not General Education |
PLANT PATHOLOGY (PL PATH) | 367 | 026039 | Introduction to Organic Agriculture: Production, Markets, and Policy | Provides an in-depth understanding of the history of organic agriculture, its production, processing, marketing, and social dimensions, and its impact on environmental, community, and human health. | 3 | Not General Education |
PLANT PATHOLOGY (PL PATH) | 517 | 015792 | Plant Disease Resistance | Host resistance in plant disease control. Conceptual and applied aspects of resistance: how it works, why it sometimes fails, and the traditional and modern techniques used for evaluating host resistance and incorporating resistance factors into new plant varieties. | 2-3 | Not General Education |
PLANT PATHOLOGY (PL PATH) | 559 | 015796 | Diseases of Economic Plants | Symptoms, epidemiology and control of diseases of crop plants; emphasis on disease diagnosis. | 3 | Not General Education |
PLANT PATHOLOGY (PL PATH) | 602 | 015800 | Ecology, Epidemiology and Control of Plant Diseases | Environmental factors in the development and spread of diseases, pathogen variability, genetics of disease resistance, and principles of disease control. | 3 | Not General Education |
PLANT PATHOLOGY (PL PATH) | 606 | 010436 | Colloquium in Environmental Toxicology | Current topics in molecular and environmental toxicology and problems related to biologically active substances in the environment. Topics vary each semester. Lectures are by resident and visiting professors and other researchers. | 1 | Not General Education |
POLITICAL SCIENCE (POLI SCI) | 449 | 018937 | Government and Natural Resources | Problems of public policy and administration for development and use of natural resources. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
POLITICAL SCIENCE (POLI SCI) | 866 | 021811 | Global Environmental Governance | In-depth examination of the political and policy challenges posed by global environmental degradation. Analysis of international institutions for managing the global environment. | 3 | Not General Education |
POPULATION HEALTH SCIENCES (POP HLTH) | 471 | 016239 | Introduction to Environmental Health | Impact of environmental problems on human health; biological hazards to human health from air and water pollution; radiation; pesticides; noise; problems related to food, occupation and environment of the work place; accidents. Physical and chemical factors involved. | 3 | Not General Education |
POPULATION HEALTH SCIENCES (POP HLTH) | 502 | 016241 | Air Pollution and Human Health | Toxicologic, controlled and epidemiologic studies on major air pollutants. Overview of study methods, lung physiology and pathology; air pollution sources, types, meteorology, sampling methods, controls and regulations. | 3 | Not General Education |
POPULATION HEALTH SCIENCES (POP HLTH) | 548 | 005669 | The Economics of Health Care | Analysis of the health care industry. Markets for hospitals and physicians' care, markets for health manpower, and the role of health insurance. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
PUBLIC AFFAIRS & PUBLIC POLICY (PUB AFFR) | 548 | 005669 | The Economics of Health Care | Analysis of the health care industry. Markets for hospitals and physicians' care, markets for health manpower, and the role of health insurance. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
PUBLIC AFFAIRS & PUBLIC POLICY (PUB AFFR) | 805 | 021538 | Gender Issues in International Educational Policy | Exploration and analysis of recent debates related to gender issues in international educational policy, including the intersection of education and demographic processes, the play of history and culture, and the social construction of gender. | 3 | Not General Education |
PUBLIC AFFAIRS & PUBLIC POLICY (PUB AFFR) | 809 | 007395 | Introduction to Energy Analysis and Policy | Strategy and policy problems in energy policy, both national and international. | 3 | Not General Education |
PUBLIC AFFAIRS & PUBLIC POLICY (PUB AFFR) | 810 | 007396 | Energy Analysis and Policy Capstone | Interdisciplinary application of energy knowledge to an analysis project for a real-world client. Integrate and apply technical, economic, political, and social factors in energy decision-making. | 3 | Not General Education |
PUBLIC AFFAIRS & PUBLIC POLICY (PUB AFFR) | 866 | 021811 | Global Environmental Governance | In-depth examination of the political and policy challenges posed by global environmental degradation. Analysis of international institutions for managing the global environment. | 3 | Not General Education |
REAL ESTATE & URBAN LAND ECON (REAL EST) | 651 | 023271 | Green - Sustainable Development | Intended for students who have an interest in Green and Sustainable aspects of housing and commercial property development and operation, the re-use and/or rehabilitation of existing structures, redevelopment of historic buildings into housing or commercial space and related special topics such as financing sources, tax issues, financial structuring, legal issues and energy cost management. | 3 | Not General Education |
RELIGIOUS STUDIES (RELIG ST) | 270 | 024316 | The Environment: Religion & Ethics | What are sources on which members of religious communities draw in order to understand and address environmental change? Explores how religious persons and communities confront global environmental questions and challenges today, with case studies drawn from culturally and religiously plural societies such as India and Indonesia. Introducing diverse varieties of Christianity, Islam, and Hindu and Buddhist systems, gives overview of some approaches in the environmental humanities related to philosophy, history, sociology and anthropology, and ethics. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
RELIGIOUS STUDIES (RELIG ST) | 356 | 024331 | Islam, Science & Technology, and the Environment | Survey of Muslim religious understandings of science, technology, nature and environment. Gain a global perspective through case studies, covering sources such as the Qur'an, theology and law, and traditions of esoteric piety (mysticism), and historical and contemporary issues like medical ethics, virtual realities, and environmental change, challenge and crisis. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE (R M I) | 650 | 022818 | Sustainability, Environmental and Social Risk Management | The assessment, control, financing and management of risks deriving from pressures on and damages to the environment, workers and local/foreign communities. Risks include liability and directors and officers law suits, boycotts, regulations and competitors' actions. | 2-3 | Not General Education |
SOCIOLOGY (SOC) | 140 | 016784 | Introduction to Community and Environmental Sociology | Sociological examination of the linkages between the social and biophysical dimensions of the environment. Key topics include community organizing, local food systems, energy transitions, environmental justice, resource dependence, and sustainable development. | 4 | Not General Education |
SOCIOLOGY (SOC) | 222 | 016790 | Food, Culture, and Society | Social and cultural dimensions of food production and consumption. Uses historical and cross-cultural analytical frameworks. Treats a wide variety of topics including indigenous, racial, and ethnic foodways, industrialized food systems, sustainable agriculture, movements for food justice. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOCIOLOGY (SOC) | 248 | 016792 | Environment, Natural Resources, and Society | Introduces the concerns and principles of sociology through examination of human interaction with the natural environment. Places environmental issues such as resource depletion, population growth, food production, environmental regulation, and sustainability in national and global perspectives. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOCIOLOGY (SOC) | 540 | 023419 | Sociology of International Development, Environment, and Sustainability | Sociological analysis of relationships among economic growth, environmental sustainability and social justice in the developing world. Considers frameworks for understanding poverty, hunger, educational and technological inequality, and the impact of globalization on prospects for socially and ecologically sustainable development. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOCIOLOGY (SOC) | 541 | 016818 | Environmental Stewardship and Social Justice | Application of sociological theory and analysis to environmental issues. Examines the ways in which environmental stewardship and conflict are embedded within broader cultural, social, and political contexts. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOCIOLOGY (SOC) | 663 | 017668 | Population and Society | Social and economic determinants and consequences of contemporary and historical population trends in both developed and developing societies. Fertility, mortality, migration, population distribution, age structure, population growth. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 1 | 023335 | Cooperative Education/Co-op in Soil Science | Full-time off-campus work experience which combines classroom theory with practical knowledge of operations to provide students with a background upon which to base a professional career. Students receive credit only for the term in which they are actively enrolled and working. The same work experience may not count towards credit in Soil Science 399. | 1 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 101 | 007251 | Forum on the Environment | Lectures and discussions about environmental issues. Historical and contemporary environmental impacts of humans on the biosphere. Global futures: population, technology, societal values, resources and prospects for sustainable management. | 1-2 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 131 | 008288 | Earth's Soil: Natural Science and Human Use | A overview of the soils of the world and the grand environmental challenges that face humanity. Soils of the USA and Wisconsin included. | 1 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 132 | 017782 | Earth's Water: Natural Science and Human Use | Water is central to the functioning of planet Earth. As humans increase their impact on Earth's systems and cohabitants, our understanding of the multiple roles of water becomes critical to finding sustainable strategies for human and ecosystem health. Explores the science of Earth's hydrosphere, with constant attention to human uses and impacts. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 211 | 026043 | Soils and Climate Change | Soil represents the largest terrestrial pool of carbon, and our management of soil will play a key role in the future of our planet. Course topics include overviews of basic soil science and climate change science; how climate affects soil formation, soil carbon and soil organic matter; soil carbon dynamics in urban areas, the tropics, and the arctic; how humans influence soil carbon stocks around the globe. | 2 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 230 | 017786 | Soil: Ecosystem and Resource | Soils are fundamental to ecosystem science. A systems approach is used to investigate how soils look and function. Topics investigated include soil structure, biology, water, fertility, and taxonomy as well as the human impact on the soil environment. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 250 | 025422 | Introduction to Environmental Science | Discuss how Planet Earth is an interconnected system dominated by the ever-present exchange of materials and energy that control the fitness and fate of all living organisms. Designed to introduce the interdisciplinary field of Environmental Science by providing a broad overview of the basic concepts used to make sense of the environment. Explore how natural systems work, the services they provide, important environmental challenges facing these systems, and how people are working to address them. Includes professionals in the field as guest speakers to discuss a future in Environmental Sciences. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 301 | 017789 | General Soil Science | Physical chemical and biological properties of soils as they affect soil-plant-water relations, soil classification and suitability for agricultural and other uses. | 4 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 305 | 017790 | Field Study of Soil | Intensive in situ description and evaluation of soil morphology. Field trips required. | 1 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 321 | 020039 | Soils and Environmental Chemistry | Sources, reactions, transport, effects, and fates of chemical species in soils and associated water and air environments. Emphasis on the chemical behavior of elements and compounds and the phenomena affecting natural and anthropogenic materials in soils. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 322 | 017794 | Physical Principles of Soil and Water Management | Soil physical properties and interactions as related to soil and water resource management and conservation. Water runoff (leading to soil erosion and surface water contamination); tillage and nutrient management; soil thermal and moisture regimes; solute movement; soil compaction, air and aeration. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 323 | 017796 | Soil Biology | Nature, activities and role of organisms inhabiting soil. Effects of soil biota on ecosystem function, response to cultural practices, and impacts on environmental quality, including bioremediation of contaminated soils. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 324 | 017797 | Soils and Environmental Quality | Interaction of soils with environmental contaminants and the role of soils in pollution control. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 325 | 017798 | Soils and Landscapes | Learn how to read the landscape and understand the relationships between soils, land use and landform. Discuss soil- forming factors, soil processes, soil classification, the 12 soil orders, soil survey and mapping. We will make several field trips and attendance is essential and required. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 326 | 017799 | Plant Nutrition Management | Functions, requirements and uptake of essential plant nutrients; chemical and microbial processes affecting nutrient availability; diagnosis of plant and soil nutrient status; fertilizers and efficient fertilizer use in different tillage systems. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 327 | 026273 | Environmental Monitoring and Soil Characterization for Earth's Critical Zone | Characterization of a soil in the field. Monitoring water flow, heat exchange, solute transport and greenhouse gas emission using soil physical models and state-of-the-art soil sensing technologies. | 4 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 332 | 017803 | Turfgrass Nutrient and Water Management | Nutrient requirements of turfgrasses; nature of turfgrass response to fertilization; soil and tissue testing methodology and interpretation; irrigation scheduling; irrigation water quality; use of irrigation and fertilizer to minimize environmental impact; writing effective nutrient management plans. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 354 | 024107 | Diagnosing and Monitoring Pest and Nutrient Status of Field Crops | Provides students with information necessary to diagnosis and monitor corn, soybean, alfalfa and wheat for pests (insects, weeds, diseases) and nutrient deficiency symptoms including perspectives from Agronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Pathology and Soil Science. Proper soil and pest sampling information will be provided as will proper cropstaging techniques which are essential for pest and nutrient management. | 1 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 370 | 023138 | Grassland Ecology | Understand factors driving global, continental, regional, and local distribution of grasslands. Discuss how management affects provision of grassland ecosystem goods and services. Compare and contrast plant community and ecosystem dynamics in native prairie and intensively managed pastures. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 372 | 020058 | On-Site Waste Water Treatment and Dispersal | On-site treatment and dispersal of waste water from homes, commercial sources and small communities. Sources, pretreatment units, nutrient removal units, constructed wetlands, surface and soil dispersal systems, recycle and reuse systems, regulations, alternative collection systems. | 2 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 400 | 023308 | Study Abroad in Soil Science | Provides an area equivalency for courses taken on Madison Study Abroad Programs that do not equate to existing UW courses. Current enrollment in a UW-Madison study abroad program | 1-6 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 430 | 025423 | Environmental Soil Contamination | Environmental pollution on global, regional, and local scales is one of humanity's most pressing issues, and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Examine the sources and properties of anthropogenic soil pollution including emerging contaminants such as PFAS, nanomaterials, microplastics. Apply the principles of soil science to understand the transport, mobilization, and partitioning of contaminants in soil and, in turn, how these contaminants affect ecosystem and human health. Through industry guest lecturers and case studies discuss methods to solve issues of soil contamination. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 451 | 017818 | Environmental Biogeochemistry | Emphasis is given to a consideration of the processes influencing the distribution and cycling of chemical elements in native and anthropogenic ecosystem-level cycles of elements, and biogeochemical cycling in major soil-biome systems. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 472 | 024641 | Animal Agriculture and Global Sustainable Development | Examines issues related to global agriculture and healthy sustainable development. Using a regional approach and focusing on crops and livestock case studies, students will learn the interdependence between US agriculture and agriculture in emerging economies. Some topics covered include population and food, immigration, the environment; crop and livestock agriculture; global trade; sustainability; food security, the role of women in agriculture, and the role of dairy products in a healthy diet. | 1 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 473 | 024646 | International Field Study in Animal Agriculture and Sustainable Development | Examines issues related to global agriculture and healthy sustainable development. Using a regional approach and focusing on crops and livestock case studies, students will learn the interdependence between US agriculture and agriculture in emerging economies. Some topics covered include population and food, immigration, the environment; crop and livestock agriculture; global trade; sustainability; and the role of women in agriculture and the role of dairy products in a healthy diet. | 2 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 499 | 021941 | Soil Management | A capstone applying independent and team problem solving, critical thinking and oral and written communication skills to issues in soil and environmental sciences. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 523 | 017819 | Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry | Transformations of nutrients and contaminants in soils and groundwater by microorganisms: emphasis on enzymatic mechanisms and metabolic pathways. Approaches for analyzing microbial populations and activities including molecular techniques. Applications of microbial activities for bioremediation of contaminated soils and groundwater. Students should have completed one course in either Soil Science or Microbiology to feel comfortable with the course content. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 524 | 022763 | Urban Soil and Environment | Many environmental issues related to urbanization are derived from the manipulation of soil. By coupling contemporary literature in urban soils with soil science, students will be able to evaluate environmental issues within the urban environment and provide new ways of remediating their impact. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 526 | 024511 | Human Transformations of Earth Surface Processes | Takes an earth systems approach to explore the role of human societies in shaping earth surface processes from local to global scales. We address how alterations to our landscapes and waterways affect biological, physical and chemical interactions among our biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. We discuss methods used to distinguish the "human impact" from background variability. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 575 | 007358 | Assessment of Environmental Impact | Overview of methods for collecting and analyzing information about environmental impacts on agricultural and natural resources, including monitoring the physical environment and relating impacts to people and society. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 585 | 026044 | Using R for Soil and Environmental Sciences | Data science techniques are increasingly important in soil and environmental science, improving the efficiency and repeatability of data analysis and enhancing fundamental understanding of soil and environmental issues. Various R packages will be introduced and used to analyze and process soil and environmental data collected using a variety of in situ, ground-based, and remote sensing platforms. R software will be applied to detailed case studies covering soil and environmental data processing, manipulation, and modeling. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 601 | 017824 | Special Topics in Soil Science | Topics in various areas of soil science. | 1-3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 606 | 010436 | Colloquium in Environmental Toxicology | Current topics in molecular and environmental toxicology and problems related to biologically active substances in the environment. Topics vary each semester. Lectures are by resident and visiting professors and other researchers. | 1 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 621 | 017827 | Soil Chemistry | Solubility relationships, complex ions, ion exchange and oxidation-reduction reactions in soils. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 622 | 017828 | Soil Physics | Physical properties of soils. Water retention and transmission in soils. Transport of heat, gas, and solutes. Physical environment of soil organisms and soil-plant-water relations. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 623 | 023336 | Microbiology of Waterborne Pathogens and Indicator Organisms | Source, environmental fate and transport of major groups of waterborne pathogens, including epidemiology and testing of associated indicator organism. Management and treatment technologies for prevention of pathogen transmission. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 626 | 017830 | Mineral Nutrition of Plants | Essential and beneficial elements, solutions and soil as nutrient sources, rhizosphere chemistry, nutritional physiology, ion uptake and translocation, functions of elements, nutrient interactions, genetics of plant nutrition. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 695 | 007378 | Applications of Geographic Information Systems in Natural Resources | Course has four components: 1) Detailed review of GIS concepts; 2) Case studies; 3) GIS implementation methods; 4) Laboratory to provide "hands-on" GIS experience. | 3 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 728 | 017839 | Graduate Seminar | Topical oral presentations by guest speakers and graduate students on contemporary concerns and issues involving land and soils. | 1 | Not General Education |
SOIL SCIENCE (SOIL SCI) | 875 | 017842 | Special Topics | Special topics on contemporary issues relevant to soil science. | 1-4 | Not General Education |
SPANISH (SPANISH AND PORTUG) (SPANISH) | 445 | 024922 | Culture and the Environment in the Luso-Hispanic World | Investigates how economy and culture work together, consuming and/or restoring their environments in divergent scenarios of the Hispanic World. | 3 | Not General Education |
URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING (URB R PL) | 215 | 025953 | Welcome to Your Urban Future | For many, our shared future experience will be urban and interconnected. With increasing urbanization, comes ever-changing pressures on rural and suburban places, and building a sustainable and equitable urban future will require a diversity of people from many disciplines, social backgrounds, and ways of thinking. Introduction to those disciplines and perspectives occurs through three major themes: (1) organization of cities (e.g., transportation, architecture/urban design, utilities, nature in the city), (2) services within cities (e.g., economic, governance, ecological), and (3) dynamics of cities (e.g., incremental changes - or transformations - that could shape urban futures around the globe). Each theme will highlight multiple disciplines, their historical and potential future roles in shaping cities, and their interconnections within urban systems. | 3 | Not General Education |
URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING (URB R PL) | 449 | 018937 | Government and Natural Resources | Problems of public policy and administration for development and use of natural resources. | 3-4 | Not General Education |
URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING (URB R PL) | 463 | 018938 | Evolution of American Planning | The nature and cultural significance of contemporary methods for the systematic formulation of public policies for community, metropolitan, and state development through comprehensive planning. Historic roots, recent trends and new directions in American planning concepts, institutions and professional specializations. | 3 | Not General Education |
URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING (URB R PL) | 550 | 025386 | Transportation and the Built Environment | Investigation of multi-modal transportation, travel behavior, and urban form. Attention to site, neighborhood, regional, and global scales. Consideration of public health, environmental, economic, and social equity outcomes. | 3 | Not General Education |
URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING (URB R PL) | 551 | 026119 | Climate Action Planning: Sustainable Transportation | Learn fundamental concepts of climate action planning and sustainable transportation through hands-on collaborations with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Office of Sustainability, Transportation Services, and other partners. Work with real world data to analyze policies, programs, and plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from travel, as well as the potential health and well-being co-benefits of sustainable transportation interventions. Analyze further reduction of the campus and community carbon footprints through practice-oriented green fleet management, behavior-based tools to support participation in active travel, modifications to the built environment, and other interventions. | 3 | Not General Education |
URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING (URB R PL) | 611 | 023822 | Urban Design: Theory and Practice | Focusing on three basic components of the built environment (buildings, transportation systems, and open spaces), addresses the forces that shape land use and transportation patterns, the effects of urban form on public health, safety, and welfare, and ways that communities can make their built environments more livable and environmentally sustainable. | 3 | Not General Education |
URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING (URB R PL) | 671 | 007372 | Energy Economics | The method, application, and limitations of traditional economic approaches to the study of energy problems. Topics include microeconomic foundations of energy demand and supply; optimal pricing and allocation of energy resources; energy market structure, conduct, and performance; macro linkages of energy and the economy; and the economics of regulatory and other public policy approaches to the social control of energy. | 3 | Not General Education |
URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING (URB R PL) | 718 | 007383 | Water Resources Management Practicum Planning Seminar II | The second of two seminars for planning the field work, analysis, and reporting of the practicum. | 2 | Not General Education |
URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING (URB R PL) | 719 | 007384 | Water Resources Management Summer Practicum | Interdisciplinary team of students and staff working with agency personnel, citizen groups, and/or private sector representatives on the analysis of a contemporary, problem-oriented water resource issue. Physical, biological, economic and social aspects of the issue analyzed. Comprehensive written report results, practicum's findings and management recommendations. | 4 | Not General Education |
URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING (URB R PL) | 809 | 007395 | Introduction to Energy Analysis and Policy | Strategy and policy problems in energy policy, both national and international. | 3 | Not General Education |
URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING (URB R PL) | 810 | 007396 | Energy Analysis and Policy Capstone | Interdisciplinary application of energy knowledge to an analysis project for a real-world client. Integrate and apply technical, economic, political, and social factors in energy decision-making. | 3 | Not General Education |
URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING (URB R PL) | 843 | 019005 | Land Use Policy and Planning | Critical evaluation and analysis of land use policies and programs in relation to comprehensive planning and growth management issues in the U.S. The role of legislative and judicial processes and emerging public land use social values and philosophies in the development, regulation, and effectuation of innovative land use policies. Alternative land policy and growth guidance systems of select European countries. | 3 | Not General Education |
URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING (URB R PL) | 865 | 019016 | Water Resources Institutions and Policies | Governmental processes and policies for water resources management: major substantive problems and issues; political processes of decision making; problems of governmental organization and intergovernmental arrangements. | 3 | Not General Education |
ZOOLOGY (ZOOLOGY) | 260 | 019269 | Introductory Ecology | The relationships of organisms and the environment. Population dynamics and community organization, human-environment relationships, action programs. | 3 | Not General Education |
ZOOLOGY (ZOOLOGY) | 302 | 007084 | Introduction to Entomology | Principles including morphology and classification. | 4 | Not General Education |
ZOOLOGY (ZOOLOGY) | 360 | 019289 | Extinction of Species | A comprehensive treatment of the ecology, causes, and consequences of species extinction. Ecology and problems of individual species, habitat alteration and degradation, socio-economic pressures and conservation techniques and strategies. | 3 | Not General Education |
ZOOLOGY (ZOOLOGY) | 371 | 007100 | Medical Entomology | Arthropods of medical and veterinary importance, how they affect their hosts and transmit diseases. | 3 | Not General Education |
ZOOLOGY (ZOOLOGY) | 473 | 007109 | Plant-Insect Interactions | Multiple ways in which arthropods exploit plants, plant traits that deter or augment insects, environmental mediation of these interactions, effects on population dynamics, community ecology and co-evolution, and implications to natural resource management, environmental quality, and sustainable development. | 3 | Not General Education |
ZOOLOGY (ZOOLOGY) | 540 | 019350 | Theoretical Ecology | Introduction to theoretical ecology, including hands-on experience in computer modeling. | 3 | Not General Education |
ZOOLOGY (ZOOLOGY) | 565 | 021188 | Principles of Landscape Ecology | Emphasizes the importance of spatial patterns at broad scales. Concepts and applications are covered. | 2 | Not General Education |
ZOOLOGY (ZOOLOGY) | 624 | 022179 | Molecular Ecology | Basic principles of molecular ecology. Lecture topics include population genetics, molecular phylogenetics, rates and patterns of evolution, genome evolution, and molecular ecology. | 3 | Not General Education |
ZOOLOGY (ZOOLOGY) | 660 | 024253 | Climate Change Ecology | The evidence that the Earth's climate is changing at unprecedented rates is now overwhelming. Environmental tipping points are being crossed and many species are adapting or failing to adapt. Climate change poses a significant problem for conserving and managing wildlife and their habitats. Climate change and its ecological impacts will be discussed and analyzed. | 3 | Not General Education |
Subject Name | Cataloge # | Course ID | Course Title | Course Description | Credits | General Education |