Where are they now? Eliza Lindley interviews Ally Magnin

In our “Where Are They Now?” series, current student interns interview former interns about their experience at the Office of Sustainability, and in particular how that experience has helped them since graduation. In the following …

UW–Madison earns second Silver rating in campus sustainability assessment

The University of Wisconsin–Madison has completed its second comprehensive sustainability report through the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System (STARS), which is administered by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). …

Resilience Spotlight: Class-led workshop brings together students and experts to discuss sustainable transportation

Students in Associate Professor Carey McAndrews’ “Climate Action Planning: Sustainable Transportation” class held a workshop that brought together experts to discuss the future of transportation infrastructure on campus and in the City of Madison. The …

Social Sustainability Coalition highlights Black leaders in environmentalism

During Black History Month, Social Sustainability Coalition members created a social media campaign to highlight prominent Black leaders in the field of environmentalism and sustainability. These leaders and their contributions were featured on the Office …