In our In Case You Missed It series (also known as ICYMI), students working at the Office of Sustainability offer reflective reports on sustainability-related events and lectures at UW–Madison. The following entry is by Natalie …
Wisconsin Union
The Great Beyond: A New Journey for Compost at UW-Madison
Food systems are one of the cornerstones of sustainability. That word “systems” is key: the food we eat is part of a vast, interconnected web. To make food sustainable, then, we have to pay attention …
Terrace trees find new life inside renovated Memorial Union
The Memorial Union Renovation (MUR) team has minimized the project’s environmental footprint through each phase of the process by staying true to a promise of sustainability. The team had hoped to avoid removing any Terrace …
Waste study shines at Undergrad Symposium
A class effort to study the waste stream at Union South illustrates how a lot of student research done on campus has immediate, real-world value.
Capstone students “clean the stream” in Union South
Students in Life Sciences Communications 515 partnered with Union South to reduce contamination in the building’s waste stream. Student teams created social marketing campaigns aimed at improving recycling and composting among Union customers.
Meet the Interns!
June 28, 2016 | by Madeline Fischer A new summer means a new team of Office of Sustainability interns. From sophomores to seniors, this group of talented undergraduates brings a diverse range of experiences and …
Second Sustainability Lunch HOUR highlights campus receipt reduction and waste management and conservation policy
April 14, 2014 | by Sarah Olson The Wisconsin Union and University Housing could save more than $700,000 combined if they stopped printing individual transaction receipts for the next 15 years, according to research presented …