After years of collaboration with the Green Fund, several student organizations, and other local partners, the UW Arboretum celebrated the installation of a new solar array this spring. The event, “EmPOWERing Youth for a Brighter Future,” brought together more than fifty high school and college students to discuss climate change and create community.
Ian Aley
UW–Madison rolls out electric-powered mowers
In 2020, the UW–Madison Physical Plant allocated $3.2 million for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects to be spent in fiscal year 2021. Ellen Agnew, the Building & Grounds Superintendent, had recently purchased battery-powered hedgers …
The Royal Flush: Sending less water and money down the drain
In 2017, University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate student Johnny Uelmen applied for the Green Fund—a program of the Office of Sustainability that awards money to student-developed projects that reduce the environmental impact and operating costs of …
Bringing Sustainability to Light: New Solar Array Installed on Gordon Dining & Event Center
As spring returns to campus, UW-Madison has another reason to look forward to sunny weather. Following a year of research, project development, partnership building, and coordination, the Gordon Dining & Event Center now features a …
Uelmen’s Green Fund Project Predicts Massive Savings for University Housing
Johnny Uelmen was one of the first applicants to the UW-Madison Green Fund, a program that supports student-initiated projects that reduce the environmental footprint and operating costs of on-campus facilities. Uelemen, a former graduate student …
Compost Stewards Come to Campus
Listen to the full conversation on Soundcloud here! A new Green Fund project that helps campus offices and buildings to collect their food waste aims to advance composting across campus, and you can hear the …