Celebrating solar panels, collaboration, and community at the UW Arboretum

After years of collaboration with the Green Fund, several student organizations, and other local partners, the UW Arboretum celebrated the installation of a new solar array this spring. The event, “EmPOWERing Youth for a Brighter Future,” brought together more than fifty high school and college students to discuss climate change and create community.

UW–Madison rolls out electric-powered mowers

In 2020, the UW–Madison Physical Plant allocated $3.2 million for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects to be spent in fiscal year 2021. Ellen Agnew, the Building & Grounds Superintendent, had recently purchased battery-powered hedgers …

The Royal Flush: Sending less water and money down the drain

In 2017, University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate student Johnny Uelmen applied for the Green Fund—a program of the Office of Sustainability that awards money to student-developed projects that reduce the environmental impact and operating costs of …

Bringing Sustainability to Light: New Solar Array Installed on Gordon Dining & Event Center

As spring returns to campus, UW-Madison has another reason to look forward to sunny weather. Following a year of research, project development, partnership building, and coordination, the Gordon Dining & Event Center now features a …

Uelmen’s Green Fund Project Predicts Massive Savings for University Housing

Johnny Uelmen was one of the first applicants to the UW-Madison Green Fund, a program that supports student-initiated projects that reduce the environmental footprint and operating costs of on-campus facilities. Uelemen, a former graduate student …