In our In Case You Missed It series (also known as ICYMI), student interns from the Office of Sustainability offer reflective reports on sustainability-related events and lectures at UW–Madison. The following entry is by Britta Wellenstein. …
FH King
Sustainability projects showcase students’ creativity in Geography 309: People, Land and Food
A documentary of the F. H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture. Paintings that address food waste and incorporate paint made from food scraps. A wood-burned map that describes the impact of land use change on …
“Collective support and solidarity”: Student Systems Conference unites midwestern universities for climate action
Last year, Natalie Tinsen represented UW–Madison at the Midwest Climate Summit, a collaboration amongst “higher education, non-profit, corporate, and government leaders” to find ways to hasten climate action in the region. At the virtual event, …
Earth Week 2018 Explores a Spectrum of Sustainability Topics on Campus
Earth Week 2018 at UW-Madison, which ran from Monday, April 16 to Monday, April 23, successfully engaged hundreds of students, staff, and community members with a dynamic series of events on campus. A rich array …
Earth Week Celebrations Return to the UW
The Office of Sustainability is celebrating the 48th annual Earth Day with a dynamic week of events. And they aren’t doing it alone: several organizations on campus are working together, including the Sustainability Committee of …