UW Zero Waste Seeks Campus Feedback on its Strategic Vision

Are you interested in supporting a zero waste campus? The UW Zero Waste Team wants your feedback on the Strategic Vision for Institutional Zero Waste at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The survey is open to UW-Madison staff, faculty, and students. Responses will contribute to refining the strategic vision and will be utilized in the next stage, which is action planning.

Complete Feedback Survey


During the 2022-2023 academic year, UW–Madison began Stage 2: Strategic Visioning of the Post-Landfill Action Network (PLAN) Atlas Zero Waste Program. The Zero Waste Projects Assistants (Rachel Schumacher, Olivia Grose, and Emily Johnson) facilitated meetings with campus stakeholders through a constructive process of reviewing the Stage 1: Zero Waste Assessment, identifying system-wide gaps, and conducting visioning sessions to achieve zero waste. The Strategic Vision serves as a proposal to campus administration for establishing cross-departmental solutions to sustainable materials management. In Stage 3, the final stage of the Atlas program, the UW Zero Waste Team will facilitate a series of strategic planning sessions with key campus stakeholders to establish a Zero Waste Action Plan, including a budget, timeline, and accountability reporting structure.

You can read the Strategic Vision Report by clicking the link below.

Strategic Vision Report

Click to access the report.

How Can You Help?

  1. Complete the feedback form.
  2. Subscribe to the Office of Sustainability’s Newsletter to learn about new zero waste opportunities.
  3. Take advantage of the PLAN Membership benefits, including a discount directory, event opportunities, digital resources/manuals, and leadership courses.
  4. Contact UW–Madison’s Zero Waste Team, zerowaste@sustainability.wisc.edu, for more information on how you can get involved!