Grandma Josephine Mandamin, an elder of the Anishinabek Nation, was known as the Water Walker. According to the Great Lakes nonprofit, FLOW, Grandma Josephine dedicated her life to raising awareness about water issues through “water …
Indigenous Communities
Land Acknowledgements and Environmental Access: Recapping the Social Sustainability Coalition’s fall events
The Social Sustainability Coalition (SSC), composed of interns within the Office of Sustainability, saw a successful fall semester, hosting both the “Perspectives on Indigenous Land Acknowledgements” panel discussion and the “Access to the Environment” informational …
Tending to the heart of campus
A deeper look into the staff who manage the 300-acre Lakeshore Nature Preserve—and the history and future of the Preserve. In May of 2023, UW–Madison published the final draft of a Master Plan for the …
In Case You Missed It: Building Water Connections across the UW System as a Foundation for Collaboration
In our In Case You Missed It series (also known as ICYMI), students working at the Office of Sustainability offer reflective reports on sustainability-related events and lectures at UW–Madison. The following entry is by Tracy …
ICYMI: Earth Week Film Screening of The Condor & The Eagle
Jackie Olson is a senior majoring in Landscape & Urban Studies/Environmental Studies. She hopes to incorporate her knowledge of sustainability into her future designs, as well as pursue a degree in Environmental Law. She recently …