On October 7, 2020, the UW–Madison Office of Sustainability will hold the first meeting of the Sustainability Advisory Council (SAC). The SAC will provide recommendations to the Provost and the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration on how to align the university’s mission, current campus strategic plans, the 2010 Sustainability Initiative Task Force Report, the Second Nature Resilience Commitment, and our legacy of resource stewardship to advance sustainability at UW–Madison.
The Council’s recommendations will be based, in part, on the results of the current Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) report and will seek to fulfill important aspects of resolutions passed by campus governance bodies (Faculty Senate Document 2699, Academic Staff Assembly Document 666, and ASM Legislation 24-0123-03).
Members of the SAC will first establish the methodology they will use to determine UW–Madison’s sustainability priorities. Thereafter, meetings will focus on a specific category of campus sustainability as defined by STARS: Academics, Engagement, Operations, and Planning & Administration. The SAC will review UW–Madison’s standing compared with peer institutions and will develop an initial prioritization of recommended sustainability initiatives. In the final meetings, the Council will refine their recommendations and ensure that feedback from the campus community, including students, is incorporated. For more details on the SAC members, meeting schedules, summaries, and agendas, please visit the SAC webpage.
How to Get Involved
In addition to the regular meeting of the Sustainability Advisory Council, the Office of Sustainability will also hold two rounds of virtual listening sessions. The first round of virtual listening sessions will be held on:
- Wednesday, October 14th from 12:00pm to 1:00pm
- Thursday, October 15th from 7:00pm to 8:00pm (current UW-Madison graduate and undergraduate students only)
- Tuesday, October 20th from 7:00pm to 8:00pm
At these discussions, participants will provide feedback on the methodology the SAC will utilize, and most importantly, the sustainability initiatives that the SAC should consider. All members of campus and the community are welcome to join listening sessions, with the exception of a single session that will be for students only. You can register for listening sessions here.