Cardboard Compactor | Gordon Event and Dining Center | Spring 2019 | $23,458
Students worked with staff to purchase and install a cardboard compactor at Gordon Dining & Event Center. The compactor improves the profitability of the campus recycling system, saving UW–Madison an estimated $50,000 per year.

Lighting Retrofit | Slichter Residence Hall | Spring 2019 | $960
A student living in Slichter Residence Hall identified lighting retrofits as a way to reduce the impact of his home, enrolled in an independent study course to explore the topic further, and implemented his proposal through the Green Fund.

Low-Flow Toilets | Housing | Fall 2018 | $17,184
Students took an inventory of toilets in 11 residence halls and replaced 82 outdated toilets with low-flow units. The team recycled all used porcelain and metal from the old toilets.

Lab Glove Recycling Pilot Program | Hanson Biomedical Sciences Building | Fall 2018 | $2,259
Students set up a recycling system for lab gloves. They are sharing with other labs the lessons they learn about lab glove recycling safety and purchasing protocols.

Lighting Retrofit | Gordon Dining and Event Center | Fall 2018 | $15,000
Students cataloged all of the lighting in Gordon Dining and Event Center. They worked with UW–Madison staff to change 1,427 light bulbs to energy efficient LEDs. Students calculated that the retrofit would save about 160 MWh annually.

Read the 2018-2019 Green Fund Annual Reports
Have an idea that addresses the environmental footprint, social impact, and operating costs of on-campus facilities? Green Fund staff can assist with proposal development at any time. Please contact Green Fund Program Manager, Ian Aley.