April 26, 2016 | by University Housing staff
As more than 7,400 students prepare to move out of the university residence halls, the UW–Madison Division of University Housing is asking for volunteers to help residents and their families say goodbye sustainably to items they no longer need.
Each year, University Housing partners with UW–Madison students, faculty, staff, and several campus and community organizations to reduce the amount of material that ends up in landfills as a result of move-out. From May 7 – 14, recycling/donation locations will be located near residence halls throughout both the lakeshore and southeast neighborhoods to allow residents and their families to easily place items into appropriate containers.
In 2015, more than 140 volunteers provided more than 600 hours of staffing at donation/recycling locations. In total, volunteers helped to divert 104,300 pounds of material from the landfill by directing items into appropriate areas and answering questions.
What Gets Recycled?
Items donated, reused, and recycled include:
• Books donated to Rotary International and sent to Africa
• Nonperishable food given to the local food pantry at St. Vincent de Paul
• Furniture and other belongings donated to St. Vincent de Paul and Goodwill
• Metal, carpet, electronics, and plastic bags recycled
• Futons and microwaves repurposed
You can help us do even better this year! If you are able, please consider volunteering as a recycling guide during move out to actively support sustainability on campus.
What Will I Do?
• Staff a recycling site for a two-hour shift at a location that is convenient for you; staff more than one shift if you like!
• Assist with sorting items at each location: donations, metal, carpet, electronics, futons
• De-construct unusable futons for recycling
• Organize donation containers
• Answer questions, study, read, or relax
How Can I Sign Up?
Sign up is now open online! Once you sign up, you will receive confirmation of your shift(s) and a recycling guide for your site via email. Have questions or need more information? Email Laura Shere or call 608-262-5537.