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Sustainability at UW–Madison unites equity, efficiency, education, and research in service of environmental health for all

Check out our Defining Sustainability page to learn more

Stay up-to-date on campus and regional sustainability opportunities:


Stay up to date on sustainability news, events, and jobs with our monthly electronic newsletter.

Events Calendar

Our events calendar gives you details on sustainability-related events across campus.


The SustainUW Podcast covers a range of topics, featuring guests from UW–Madison and beyond!

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Access campus resources

Transportation Resources

See here for a guide on how best to get to and from campus during the academic year.

Inclusion + Social Sustainability Resources

This list of resources provides information about workshops, conferences, lunch & amp; learns, initiatives, and other activities that have served the campus community in support of equity and inclusivity.

Communities of Practice

Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and seek to learn how to do it better through regular interaction. Explore this link for information about campus communities of practice.

Sustainability Community of Practice

The Sustainability Community of Practice (CoP) is a space for staff and faculty to discuss ideas, concerns, and lessons about sustainability on the UW–Madison campus and in their personal lives.