The UW–Madison Division of Recreational Sports has proposed a new Master Plan to renovate and upgrade recreational athletic facilities and fields on campus, including the Southeast Recreational Facility, the Natatorium, the Near East Field, and the Near West Fields. The proposed plan includes several features intended to improve the sustainability of the facilities, including use of natural light, green roofs, reduced irrigation, and building material reuse and recycling, as described in a statement provided by the Division of Recreational Sports.
A referendum question about the proposed funding request of $108 per student per semester will be included on the spring ASM elections, to be held March 3-5. This increase will be slightly higher than a 2006 referendum that increased student fees by $96 per semester to support the rebuilding of Union South and ongoing renovations of Memorial Union.
We encourage all students to educate themselves about the issue and vote when they receive their e-mail ballot.
Find additional information and viewpoints:
Division of Recreational Sports: Rec Sports Master Plan blog
Associated Students of Madison: Recreational Sports Director commits to addressing student and environmental concerns (Feb. 25, 2014)
Chancellor Blank’s Slate: Proposed improvements in our Recreational Sports facilities (Feb. 24, 2014)
Students for the Preserve: Update on the Rec Sports Master Plan (Feb. 23, 2014)
Capital Times: TAA asks UW Athletics to beef up its ‘measly’ offering to rebuild campus rec facilities (Feb. 22, 2014)
Badger Herald editorial: Vote YES to Recreational Sports proposal come March (Feb. 20, 2014)
Badger Herald: Community expressed environmental concerns over Rec Sports proposed development (Feb. 13, 2014)
Badger Herald: Letter to the editor: Rethink Rec Sports (Feb. 11, 2014)