Andrea Hicks
Position title: Director of Sustainability Education and Research
Dr. Andrea Hicks is an associate professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. She is also an affiliate member of the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, Geological Engineering, and Freshwater and Marine Sciences Program. She is the Hanson Family Fellow in Sustainability and a Grainger Institute for Engineering Faculty Scholar.
Her scholarship lies at the intersection of technology and sustainability, in particular focusing on the environmental impacts and sustainability implications of emerging technologies, in order to understand their potential unintended consequences and mitigate if possible before they are widely adopted. Dr. Hicks also teaches CIV ENGR 421, “Environmental Sustainability Engineering”, and a community based learning course where students work on sustainability issues with and identified by a community as part of the UniverCITY year program. She was awarded the 2020 UW-Madison Distinguished Teaching Award for Excellence in Community-Based Learning for her work on integrating sustainability education and community based learning.
On the national scene, Dr. Hicks was awarded a 2019 National Foundation CAREER award for support her research on new technologies for sustainability food production. She serves on the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North American Science Committee, and is an Associate Editor for the journal of Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management.
Dr. Hicks earned her B.S. in Environmental Engineering from Michigan Technological University, her M.S. in Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences from Clemson University, and completed her PhD in Civil Engineering and her postdoctoral studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the Institute for Environmental Science and Policy.
You can read her full CV here.