Skill Share Fair

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The Skill Share Fair brings together UW–Madison students and Madison community members to share and learn practical skills that can help you live more sustainably – and save money!

Join us at the first annual Skill Share Fair Thursday, April 9 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. at Memorial Union.

Learn more about the following sustainable skills:

DIY personal care products
F.H. King Students for Sustainable Agriculture

Adding a unique touch to life with pottery
Clay Collective

Basic bike maintenance
Torqued Bicycle

Cooking demonstrations, guide to eating locally and in season
Slow Food UW

Basic electronics troubleshooting and repair
Sector 67

Financially sound  meal planning and preparation
UW Foundation

Showcasing skills in resumes and applications
L&S Career Services

ABC Quick Check (bike maintenance)
University Bicycle Resource Center

Discovering phantom energy and energy wattage meters
DoIT Green Team

Growing herbs and providing indoor care
Edible Landscapes

Mending and weaving clothing
Hannah Bennett

Growing Power

Creating sustainable meat-free meals
Animal Rights Society

Sewing bow ties
Ryan Overstreet

Home brewing
Badger Brewing Association

Putting Waste in Its Place (trash sorting)

Turning trash to treasure
Office of Sustainability​

Do you have a skill to share? Submit your skill here.

For more information about the Skill Share Fair, contact Breana Nehls.