Sept 2014: Zero Waste

Friday, September 26 at 1 p.m.
Room 1360
UW–Madison Biotechnology Center

Join us at Sustainability Lunch HOUR to learn more about waste-related sustainability research happening on campus. Snacks provided!


Campus edible landscapes

UW–Madison sophomore Aida Ebrahimi are researching edible landscaping and implementing edible landscapes on campus with funding REthink Wisconsin received from the Associated Students of Madison Green Fund.

Energy efficiency in campus buildings

UW–Madison junior Brian Paulus is working on the design and construction of new campus buildings in line with LEED Certification standards for energy and sustainable design. His work focuses on evaluating the impact of the construction and lifespan of new buildings.

Recycled materials in roadways

Brigitte Brown, a UW–Madison graduate research assistant, is researching the risk associated with using coal combustion products, such as fly ash and bottom ash, in roadway construction.

More about Sustainability Lunch HOUR

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