Oct 2014: UW System

_MG_6419Friday, October 17 at 1 p.m.
Hearing Room
Student Activity Center

Join us at Sustainability Lunch HOUR to learn more about sustainability research and projects happening at campuses across the UW System.

This session is happening in tangent with the UW System Sustainability Meeting, which is an annual gathering of sustainability leaders in the UW System to collaborate and share ideas.

Composting at UW–Fox Valley

UW–Fox Valley student Paul Karpenko will talk about UW–Fox Valley’s composting program.

Trash audits at UW–Madison

UW–Madison junior Miles Tryon-Petith and senior Scott Hennelly will discuss a recent effort by the UW–Madison Office of Sustainability and WE CONSERVE to measure trash and recycling in 15 academic buildings.

More about Sustainability Lunch HOUR

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