Bee Campus USA


Bee Campus USA is an initiative by the Xerces Society that provides a framework for campus communities to worktogether to conserve native pollinators by increasing the abundance of native plants, providing nest sites, and reducing the use of pesticides. UW–Madison received certification in the Summer of 2022 and has established a Bee Campus USA committee to maintain the certification.


Certification requirements include forming a standing committee to advocate for pollinators; creating and enhancing pollinator habitat on campus; reducing the use of pesticides; offering courses, service-learning projects, or continuing education opportunities that incorporate pollinator conservation; displaying signage focused on pollinator conservation; and maintaining an online presence for Bee Campus USA activities.

Learn More About the Importance of Bees:

Bee Campus USA Educational Inventory

One requirement for maintaining the Bee Campus USA certification is to connect people to courses, continuing education, and service learning opportunities related to native pollinators and pollinator conservation. Below you will find the current inventory and if you are aware of additional learning opportunties we should include in the inventory please submit details in the survey link below.

Submit to Bee Campus USA Educational Inventory

The Bee Campus USA committee includes representatives from:

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Allen Centennial Gardens

Reba Luiken
Executive Director of Allen Centennial Gardens


Susan Carpenter
Native Plant Garden curator and gardener for the UW Arboretum

Campus Planning and Landscape Architecture

Rhonda James
Senior Landscape Architect for Campus Planning and Landscape Architecture 





Department of Entomology

Claudio Gratton
Professor, UW Entomology

Department of Plant Pathology

Paul Koch
Professor, Department of Plant Pathology

Entomology Graduate Student Association

Gigi Melone
M.S. Student, Entomology

Facilities Planning and Management

Ellen Agnew
Director of Physical Plant Services






Danielle Smith
Building and Grounds Manager

Robert Scott
Building and Grounds Supervisor

Jennifer Kolste
Tree & Shrub Supervisor

Office of Sustainability

Alex Frank
Project Portfolio Manager





Ian Aley

Ian Aley
Green Fund Program Manager








Victoria Salerno

Victoria Salerno
Sustainable Grounds Graduate Student Project Assistant

"Conserving the diversity of invertebrates is the biggest job in the world."

Robert Michael Pyle - Founder of the Xerces Society