Catherine Chan
Position title: Assistant Vice Provost for High Impact Practices
Phone: Pronouns: she/her
Catherine Chan is the assistant vice provost for high impact practices in the Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement, where she provides administrative, operational, and strategic leadership for the DDEEA’s high-impact educational efforts.
Chan leads the development, cultivation and implementation of the division’s framework for enhancing student experiences through high-impact educational practice programs and initiatives, including common intellectual experiences, undergraduate research, global learning, service and community-based learning, internships, and student employment. She leads the division in implementing evidence-based pedagogies and culturally relevant practices that center equity-mindedness. Chan oversees the division’s Academic Coaching and Tutoring Services, Center for Educational Opportunity, Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program, Global Scholars, Internship and STEM Initiatives programs.